The mystery of box

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The night went all in misery.
The clock showed 4 am.

"Come on, Pop. It's the time."  We stepped out.

"Looks like someone is sneaking out." Ben woke up.

"We don't have time to explain. Mark already knows that we are leaving for somewhere and that's it. You guys need to survive for a week." I tapped his shoulder.

Steve was waiting with his van. We got in.

"Our jet is ready. We will be leaving soon."

"Thanks, Steve."
I saw the jet in old barren runway.

"He is our private, Eric. He will drop you safely. Have a safe journey ma'am."
Steve bowed and stepped back.

The journey was tiring. It took almost 6 hours.
But my mind was horrified. My senses were numb.

It was mid day.  Eric's partner drove us to Nome. City at the periphery. The streets still look the same. 
I stepped out of the car. I could hear the banging. Dad must be clipping something in the backyard.

"Aren't you excited?" Poppy asked.

"I came midway from my mission. May sound shit." I dropped my eyes.

"Oh come on. You are still on it. Let's go. " 

I pushed the door. Dad already fixed it.

"Dad?" The banging stopped.
I took steps. My feet felt like tripping on every mark.
I finally saw dad. Sweaty skin, a dirty apron, hammer on hand and a completely surprised face.

"My Angel? How come?"
He was still not believing his eyes.
I ran and hugged him tight.

He tapped my head with all the love and care he always had.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.
And this time I had to answer.

"It was getting tough there. I needed a break. And as I informed you about the emergency. It was better to leave that place for a while. Most importantly, I wanted to see you." I explained without hesitation.

"My baby has lost some weight. She looks so unfit." He curled my hair back.
"Come inside."

I went to my room and threw my bag.
I hopped on my bed.

"I knew you would do this. But I think you must have a meal first." I'll be right back. Don't you dare just sleep.

He brought me freshly baked bacon and a plate of salad and some bread.

I sat calmly and ate like I was waiting for this meal since ages.
Dad sat in front of me.
He was looking at me with a bit teary eyes.

"That's how your mom ate when she had stress. Is something bothering you, my girl?"
He voice had concern and care.

"No dad. Told you already.  I was missing you sooo muchhhhhh. Needed a break. That's it. That can be the reason for my stress , I guess."

He nodded but still had wrinkled forehead.
Seemed suspicious already.

I thought of having a nap. I didn't realize when did my eyes shut down.
Home feels heaven.

"James!" . I breathed heavily. And sat in hurry. My face was wet.

"These nightmares."

I stood and walked greasing my foot on the floor. I went downstairs. Dad was watching TV. His likings didn't change. Still the scientific researcher searching dad's infinite interest towards them.

It was already dark. I went beside him and sat. My heads on his shoulder.

"Need something?" He asked.

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