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The sound of a gong startled me awake. I let out a gasp and say,"Whathe?!-" My eyes blinked a couple of times to get rid of the sleep. The gong made my ears ring like a cellphone. (An annoying one at that.)

The sliding door to my room opened up. I looked up and saw Tiger Claw standing there. A serious look was on his face until he noticed what I was wearing. Which consists of black panties and sports bra. (I don't wear much clothes to bed.)

He looked away to give me privacy. "Get dressed. We will begin training after breakfast." Tiger Claw said before quickly shutting the door.

My face was probably inflamed. Only people whoever saw me in my underwear were my sister and mother. First guy to see me half naked is a giant mutant-hot-tiger. I was hoping if someone saw me in my underwear would be when I'm older and with my soul mate of something. But no way is that gonna happen with me being a mutant.

I get off the futon and walked to my small desk drawer. A few female healers bought me some clothes but it was difficult with my new body. I had to make certain compromises and to lose my self-consciousness.

Grabbing a pair of large leather jeans, and a crop-top v-neck vest. They were comfortable against my fur. The tuff of fur on my chest was spread out that reminded me of Shadow the Hedgehog. I wrap tape around my knuckles and put on my belt.

I look up at the mirror and saw how different I was. If I was human, I doubt I would recognize myself. I grab a hairband and wrap white hair running down my head in a ponytail. Don't know why, but I want to be stylish. So what if I'm a mutant, I'm gonna keep looking like the way I've always wanted to look.

Stepping out of my room. I follow the smell of breakfast with my new sense of smell. I've never smelt anything like it before. If I'm living in a place that honors Japan, I'm sure I'll have Japanese food or something. Which I never had before.

I enter a nice kitchen that could hold about twelve people at most. There was a walk way on the other side of the room that led to the dining room. When I saw this place I didn't think they had dining rooms, but I was wrong.

Tiger Claw was preparing food when I walked in. I smelt the familiar scent of fish. Rice balls were on a plate beside the plate of sushi. My mouth nearly watered when I saw the food. "I've never had sushi before. Nor white rice in ball form." I giggle as I snatch a rice ball from the plate. I grab salt and dab the rice ball with it.

A deep chuckle escaped Tiger Claw's throat. "You are new to the Japanese culture. You will get used to it." he told me. I nod and take a bite of the rice ball. It tasted like any other white rice but it was fun eating it in ball form.

After a silent breakfast, Tiger Claw and I headed into the training room. I was secretly shaking as we headed in. These people were professional ninjas and I'm a newbie. Ninjutsu is different from tae kwon do. I just hope I won't embarrass myself as much as I think I'm going to!

Xever and Bradford were both training when we came in. I was a little weirded out when I saw Xever training. He was a fish with large metal legs. It looked odd.... While Bradford just looked creepy...with all those bones sticking out. Right now, Tiger Claw maybe my favorite mutant besides the turtles. (Not that I'm gonna admit that.)

"Start with exercises." Tiger Claw ordered me. He tells me to start some jab kicks till he said stop. I started with easy kicks to keep my energy. But he made me go faster and harder. I had to restrain myself from growling or snapping at him. (I have a very bad temper.) My kicks started going faster but I noticed they were sloppy. I fixed myself quickly but it was making my legs hurt. But I refused to back down.

Taking a deep breath, I concentrate on my anger. My Sensei told me if I concentrate hard enough, I could improve myself. I take another breath and start kicking faster.

"Hajime!" Tiger Claw shouted. I stop instantly, ignoring the tight pain in my legs.

Before I could collect myself, I was struck in my shoulder. I let out a scream and fall down on one knee. The pain was unbearable and unexpected. It felt like thousands of pins sinking into my skin. I became angry and spun my head around to glare at who struck me. Xever stood there with a smirk but froze when he saw my face. "Payback." he sneered.

My lips twitch and I began to growl. Standing up, I turn my body till I faced him completely. "You are so dead!" I scream and lunge at him. I swing my fist and I felt power surge through my arm. When my fist made contact Xever was electrocuted. Again.

He was sent flying across the room and crashed into the wall. I could only stand there with a smirk on my face. "Take that, bitch." I sneer.


I collapse on the futon tiredly. A loud grunt escaping my lips. "Oh god it hurts." I groan out loud.

After four hours with no breaks, I was done with training. FOR THE MORNING!

I had gone through many maneuvers that could have had my arms fall off. I'm so glad I'm used to doing punches and jabbing people in the throat. My legs were more used to the defense maneuvers I was taught. Tiger Claw seemed impressed by how long I've managed.

At the end of training, Tiger Claw informed me we would be training again at 6 p.m after dinner. I let out a shout after that and just collapsed on the mat. But of course I dragged myself off to head back to my room. And that's how I ended up falling on my futon.

My face was buried in my pillow and groan loudly. I slowly sit up and tear off my shirt and jeans. They were all sweaty and my entire body felt like they were a sack of rocks. "Son of a bitch." I groan loudly.

All of a sudden my door shot open. I didn't even bother looking up because I was too tired. But I roll my head around to look and find Tiger Claw. His cheeks seemed brighter than before. "You've gotta learn to knock!" I said bored. Then I face planted on my pillow again.

It didn't last long because I was yanked upward. I crashed into Tiger Claw's chest and I felt my entire body heat up. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked confused. "The turtles are here. We need to get you out of here." Tiger Claw growled but didn't look at me. Underneath, I was cheering because I would be free. But on the outside I was worried. For some reason, I didn't want to leave either. I just don't know why.

"I can take care of myself." I reassure him. What he didn't know was that the night was drawing near. And tonight is full moon. I had to find a place to isolate myself. "The day is almost over. I have to get out of here before the moon shows!" I wrench myself out of Tiger Claw's grasp.

A low growl rumbled in his throat but he nods. "We must get you out of here before the turtles find you. We will discuss how to handle you then." Tiger Claw grabs my hand and dragged me off. I just huff and run to catch up with him as he drags me.

We got to the torch-lit hallway when the ceiling came down, or at least, people did. I froze and watch as all four turtles get into a fighting stance.

"Release her, Tiger Claw!" Leo demanded. He aims his katanas as Tiger Claw and showed a look of determination. "Why should I take orders from a petty creature like you?" Tiger Claw asked with an evil glint in his eye. He holds me close to his chest and I try not to blush because of my 'nakedness'. (Sorta.)

My hand slowly slips into Tiger Claw's belt and grabs a throwing knife. I grip onto it like it was some lifeline. Careful to not have them notice.

"Just release her." Raph growled. He steps up and twirls his sais threateningly at Tiger Claw. "No." Tiger Claw growled back. It somehow snapped for Raph and he lunges at him.

Suddenly, my breath started to become hard. I backed up a few steps and try to handle my breathing. Looking up at the window, I saw the moon was already up. It caused me to panic and back away. The pain in my bones began to disappear, and I could feel adrenaline begin to build up.

Hunger began to take over me. I sink my claws into my stomach and take a deep breath. My teeth ached from both pain but ached for food.

"Natalie?" I heard my name called by Mikey. I looked up at him and saw that everyone was looking at me. Backing away, I felt my consciousness fade. "Get away!" I roared. Anger began to boil up inside me. Involuntary growls rumbled in my throat.

I back away as my vision began to blacken. Soon my consciousness will fade and be replaced with some odd other conscious of mine. "GET AWAY!" I scream before my vision completely blackened.

White Tigress (TMNT)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz