A Week Left

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I sank my claws deep into the bed as i arch my back. Barely any sound came out of my wide opened mouth. My eyes were opened wide and I stared up at the ceiling. I could feel my teeth grow painfully as they grow longer and sharper.

Shit. Shit. Shit. I thought repeatedly.

My throat was itching to let out a howl but I refused to allow it. I bit down hard on my lip. My teeth broke through the skin and I felt blood run down my chin.

My limit is coming to an end, I thought horrified.

Not a day has gone by and I get only a sliver of memories back. They consisted of being trained by this Shredder and knowing the turtles. The rest were of Tiger Claw and I. All I could feel was conflicted emotions. I've made an impact on these people's lives and I don't remember them.

Mom. Dad. Jason. Madison. I thought mournfully. They don't know where I am or if I'm alright. One good thing for them is that they won't have to handle me anymore.

Another bolt of pain shot through my body. This time I couldn't contain my scream. My own scream hurt my ears. I begin to claw where my body hurt. "SOMEBODY KILL ME!" I shrieked at the top of my lungs as the pain became unbearable.

The door to my room bursted open almost immediately after I shrieked. I couldn't move because of the pain, but I could smell who it was. The smell of fur was clear as day.

Master Splinter appeared in my line of vision. He had a look of worry as he looked down at me. "M-Master Splinter!" I whimpered in pain. "It hurts so much." I whined.

"Just breathe, Natalie." Master Splinter told me. He slowly ran his fingers over my stomach and arms and legs. His touches were light and calming.

Another shock of pain ran through me. I felt my bones begin to grow painfully. "ARRGH!" I screamed.

Nails suddenly pressed against a nerve point in my neck. All feeling down my body stopped. I couldn't feel anything. The only muscles I could move were my eyes. I look at Splinter in question. "What did you do?"

"I can see you can't bear the pain. The nerve pinch stops all feeling in your body." Splinter said.

"Thank you." I said relieved.

Despite that I shouldn't feel anything, I felt a rather . . . itchy feeling in my bones. Though I couldn't move my neck to see, I could feel them growing longer and stronger. It made everything more clearer. I had a week left before my humanity disappears for good.

"Master Splinter, I have one thing to ask." I spoke in monotone.

"Yes, Natalie?" Splinter asked in worry. He helped move me up in a sitting position. I looked at him deep in the eyes and say,"How do you commit seppuku correctly?"

Horror and shock appeared in the rat's eyes at my question. He began to shake his head rashly. "No! I will not tell you! Nor am I allowing you too!" Splinter disagreed.

"I'd rather die honorably than to let my friends and family watch me change into a monster!" I shouted at him.

Suddenly, all feeling came back. Pain shot through me like a rocket. But I ignored it all. I shot forward and grab Splinter by his kimono. "You don't understand at all, Splinter! I don't want Tiger Claw, not anyone, to see me like this! My fate is sealed." I whispered to him. The two of us just sat there in silence staring at one another. Deep inside my mind, I thought of what I lost, what I gained, and the ones I made friends with.

Ignoring all of the pain, I get out of bed and leave my bedroom with Splinter still inside. It felt like I was dragging giant boulders and my body was being stabbed by thousands of needles. I walk toward Donnie's lab where Tiger Claw slept.

I push open the doors and walk inside. The echo of the doors opening must've woken up Tiger Claw because he was awake and looking at me. He looked disheveled from being woken up from his sleep but he also looked worried. "Natalie, is something wrong?" he asked tiredly.

Without a word, I walk up to Tiger Claw and sit down in front of him. "Tiger Claw, I know I don't remember much, but what I do remember is that we were together," I began slowly. If I am to be an animal of death soon. I want to have the remaining of my humanity as the one people once knew. "I have a week left till I change. And I've decided to commit seppuku so I won't have to let my family be the ones to kill me." I finished in a struggle to not cry.

Tiger Claw became wide awake after that. Without warning, he breaks the newly repaired cage door with his giant paws. I didn't scream or shout at his strength. I only stared in awe.

He grabbed me by the shoulders and started shaking me. "Why would you think that?! Natalie, you can't just kill yourself!" Tiger Claw shouted. I didn't fight him, I let myself have it. "There's no other way! Once I change, I will be a monster that can never be stopped! Not even Shredder and Splinter will be able to stop me if they worked together!" I shouted back.

Before I could react, Tiger Claw descended himself on me. His lips crashed against mine. Different emotions ran through me all at once. Anger. Love. Lust. Sadness. I felt Tiger Claw's hands run down to my waist. His claws sank into my skin, yet I felt pure ecstasy.

Fangs lightly bit into my neck. My mouth opened up in a silent scream. I wrap my arms around Tiger Claw's neck. Shudders ran down my body. I felt my nails sharpen into points, them aching to sink into flesh.

Not able to contain myself, I sank my claws into his back as I kiss him. My tongue entered his mouth and I battled for dominance. This felt so familiar yet I don't remember anything. "If I'm going to die. I want to spend the last of it with you." I whispered in his torn ear.

"I'm not letting you die." Tiger Claw growled. He grabbed the base of my shirt and began to pull it upward. I didn't refuse, I let him take off my shirt. The scars I had before my mutation made me look like I was tortured. But Tiger Claw didn't pay attention to them. Instead he runs his claws over them almost in fascination. "Why won't you let me? If I change, I'll kill you." I groaned.

"I'd let you kill me. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you alive and safe."

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