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"Any particular reason Tiger Claw has to in a cage that is electrified?" I asked as I sit on a table in Donnie's lab. I was looking at my mate who was currently in a large cage that so happened to be in Donnie's lab and didn't look so happy.

After Donnie had agreed to help me, we all returned to the lair. Of course, not without a serious argument about Tiger Claw. They all refused to bring him because of him being the enemy. I refused to go with them without Tiger Claw.

We all came to an agreement after maybe an hour of arguing. They blindfolded Tiger Claw so he couldn't see the way to the lair. I didn't mind but boy, did Tiger Claw looked annoyed. I had to keep him calm the entire walk.

When we got to the lair, we were all greeted by Master Splinter, Casey, and April. They all did double takes at the sight of Tiger Claw and I. (Mostly Tiger Claw.) Once again, after a loud debate, they allowed him to stay.

Donnie took me to his lab where he began to examine me. But also they put Tiger Claw in a cage that was electrified if he tried to escape. And that is where we are now:

"Rather be safe than sorry." Donnie said bluntly. He steps up to me with an empty syringe needle. "Okay, I'm gonna draw some blood. Is that okay?" he asked. I give him a soft smile and say,"It's fine, Donatello." Then I held out my arm.

He takes my arm and slowly sinks in the needle. It felt like a soft prick but barely stung. I watched as he drew maybe an ounce of blood. After filling up the syringe, Donnie redraws the needle and steps back. "That should be enough to analyze." he thought aloud to himself.

I get off the table and walk up to the caged tiger. (Had to say it.)

"How ya holding up?" I asked jokingly. Smiling evilly, I sit down next to the cage but not close enough to get electrocuted. "You seem miserable." I giggle. Tiger Claw just glared at me but didn't say a word. "I'm going to get back at you for this." he grumbles under his breath. Laughing, I reach through the bars with my hand to touch his cheek.

When my skin touched the bars, I was electrocuted. Instead, I felt power build up. I let out a gasp of air as I feel power flow inside me.

"Natalie?" Tiger Claw asked in worry. He took my hand but quickly lets go with a hiss. I saw an electric shock pass between our skin. Surprise was seen in both our eyes. "That's new." I stated. "Looks like you can absorb electricity." Donnie mentions from behind. "That would explain what I found in your blood." he added.

Turning around, I face Donnie and look at him in confusion. "What did you find?" I ask curiously and worriedly. He motions me to come to him. I slip my hand back and stand up. I walk up to Donnie and saw he was facing a microscope. "Take a look." he suggests. I nod and look into the lens.

I saw my blood cells swirling around. It was very interesting seeing them. Watching as they move around randomly.

Then I noticed something odd. One cell was a dark purple color that looked like some bacteria. As it made contact with other cells, they changed into the same as it.

"Some organism or microcell?" I questioned.

"It's not an organism. Those purple cells were naturally born. Only they have a slight change in them." Donnie explained. He swaps the Petri dishes with another one. "I was able to extract the cell from the blood so you could see it more clearly." I bend over the scope and look. The eye that was looking with widened at what I discover. The purple cell had . . . electricity flowing around it. It looked like some type of power cell.

"There's electricity running through that cell!" I said in surprise.

"Yep!" Donnie said happily. In which I stared at him like he was crazy. "Why are you so happy?" I asked confused. "Even I want to know why he's acting that way." Tiger Claw said.

"Natalie, it's normal to have electricity in ourselves. Our brainwaves have electricity running through to help us continue living, to have our brain working. What you have in your cells is probably one of the most scientific discoveries. Some people may be able to have metal stick to themselves, but you can control electricity and able to use it as a defensive mechanism."

My mind was turning like gears at this information. I was a high school dropout, but I was good at science. Only, this was not my level of expertise.

"I never had this ability before. It appeared after my mutation." I said.

"Well it's obvious that the mutation the Kraang used on you had something else than just tiger DNA." Donnie stated the obvious. I sighed and stared at my large paws. "Will you be able to retro-mutate me?" I said unsure.

With a confidant smile, Donnie nods. "Yep. I just need to get the retromutagen from my room." he babbled. He walks out of the lab while murmuring to himself about the discovery.

Letting out a deep sigh, I turn around and walk up to Tiger Claw's cage. He had a relieved look just as I did. A charming smile on his face. "Looks like you won't be a mutant anymore." he said. "We still don't know if my curse will be cured as well." I said in a low growl, trying my best not to bring my hopes up.

Tiger Claw reached through the bars despite the electricity. He takes my hand and holds it tight. "You deserve to have a life, Natalie. If you are cured from being a mutant, you can go out in public." he spoke in a whisper. "But what about you? You were  once human. Don't you want to be human again?" I pondered.

His eye clouded like clouds. "I've grown up getting used to being what I am. I never thought of becoming human again." he spoke with a thousand yard stare.

Before I could say anything, Donnie returned to the lab. Tiger Claw withdrew his hand and didn't say anything. I turn to face Donnie and felt a queasy feeling when I saw the canister of orange mutagen. "Will it hurt?" I asked terrified. Donnie smiled at me and says,"No, it won't. You'll be fine."

He heads to the lab table and grabs a syringe. I watched shakily as he collects the retromutagen. For some reason, I felt like I might puke.

Sensing my anxiety, Tiger Claw took my wrist from behind, giving it a soft squeeze. I glance at him and saw him give me an encouraging smile.

Not returning the smile, I just nod and walk toward Donnie. "I'm ready." I said with bravery. Donnie and I made eye contact and he nods. "I can't guarantee what happens after. Whatever happens, we'll help you through them." he promised.

"Just do it!" I snapped.

Taking in a deep breath, Donnie takes my arm and injects the syringe. When he injected the retromutagen, I felt it immediately. I let out a gasp as an unexplainable feeling rushed through me. Collapsing to my knees, I clawed at my skin as I felt my body change.

My body suddenly went rigid and I couldn't move. I fall on my side and shut my eyes. Waiting for it all to stop.

Just as I closed my eyes, I felt it all stop. I open my eyes and saw myself lying on the ground.

Slowly sitting up, I feel a slight breeze on my skin. I look down and see myself completely naked. "Eek!" I gasped and cover my breasts. "Where are my clothes?!" I scream.

"Here." I heard someone say. A blanket fell on my shoulders, and I wrap it around my body to keep my modesty. "Thank you." I thank as I look up. My eyes widen when I find a giant turtle that was dressed in ninja armor and had a purple mask. He looked at me with familiarity but I didn't remember him. I notice someone behind him inside a cage. When I looked at them, my eyes widen to see a humanoid tiger man.

He was dressed in weaponry and leather. His left ear was torn and had an eyepatch over his right eye. For some reason he looked familiar, but I don't remember him.

"Who are you? Where am I!?" I demand. My teeth sharpen and I growled at them.

Surprise was seen in the turtle's eyes while horror was in the tiger's one eye. "Ah shell." said the turtle.

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