Wir Sind die Jäger

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Len x Reader Attack on Titan AU.

 He heard the yell coming from his left, be he couldn't turn to her. His name was repeated and again, yet he found himself unable to meet the voice. All of his movements had ceased and he couldn't even see himself breathing. Soon though he heard a quiet thump. Then again a thump, and again. Soon he realized it to be a heartbeat, but why was it slowing?

 Why couldn't he move? 

 His eyes were unfocused and his mind was foggy. Thoughts were going through his head, thinking of how peaceful it was here. But where was here? Looking up he saw trees. Tall, tall trees. Taller than titans. And the titans were all really tall, so the trees were huge. He had never seen trees this tall before.

 Why couldn't he move? 

 Hearing his name again he wanted to turn to her, he knew who it was. He would never forget her. (h/c) hair, and (e/c) eyes and a name to perfectly sum her up, what was it again? Turns out he might forget her. He felt dizzy as if everything was rushing out of him leaving him lie under the tall trees. He liked it here, but he needed to answer the girl. 

 Why couldn't he move? 

 Seeing a figure of the girl above him he tried again to recall her name. Oh yes, (y/n), how could he forget the love of his life? Well her name at least. She seemed to be crying, but he couldn't hear her anymore and he couldn't feel the tears that fell onto his face as she silently spoke. Darkness engulfed him and the thumping had stopped, and silence consumed him, letting the emptiness swallow him whole. 

 Why couldn't he move you ask? 

 He was dead. 

 Bolting up in his spot panting, gasping for air as he awoke from that horrible dream, no, nightmare. Sweat covered his body and his heart was beating at a fast speed. At that fact he thanked the goddesses, his heart was beating. Standing from his spot he threw on a coat and walked down the empty halls. Everyone was either sleeping and having a nightmare, or awake and having a nightmare. All except one person he knew would be fine,(y/n), the name he swore to never forget, as she had sworn to not forget his.The nightmare killed that promise though. But he kept in mind it was just a nightmare. 

His feet carried him towards his destination on a path that was carved into his mussel memory. A left turn followed by a right, turn right again then enter the fifth door on your left. Opening the door he stepped into the room and gazed at the multiple beds set up. Careful not to wake them all he walked over to the bed in the middle on the left. 

 Seeing a head of (h/c) hair poking out from under the covers. Letting a soft smile appear on his lips he pulled back the covers to see a girl. Well, no duh, he was in the girls dorms. Opening soft looking (e/c) eyes a question fell from her lips, "Umm... Squad Leader Len? What are you doing?"

Squad leader? Weren't they both just starting? Their first expedition was tomorrow. How could she forget that, she was so silly. But soon it struck him. Standing up and exiting the room he left the confused look alike in her bed.

Because he had remembered something.

 That expedition was 4 years ago.

 She had died 4 years ago. 


 Thank you sooooo much xRinnychan for giving me the idea, I quite enjoyed writing this. And thank you everyone for reading, commenting, voting, and following me. It always puts a smile on my face to refresh the page and see the stats go up.... I mean, not that I do that or anything bakas...

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