chapter 9

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I woke up around 11, this time having the view of the calm beach in front of my eyes. I dare to wake up for good and I check my phone, for a moment confused about the place I'm in, but shortly I remember everything. I got to quickly to check my notifications and I see a message from Pedri that he sent one hour ago.

Rise and shine, Ariana!!!!!! Rise and shine!! I'm just kidding, I just wanted to text you to let you know that I woke up and if you need anything come and ask me.

I smile like an idiot looking at his text, thinking what to reply to him.

Good morning to you too. Where can I find you?

Look who woke up. I'm in the backyard.

I'll come in 5.

Take your time

I get out of bed, doing my routine, trying to find something to take off my make-up from the last night. I went to the kitchen to make a coffee just to see that everyone is still asleep. I tried to make as little noise as I could.

I saw Pedri outside through the window, and he noticed me too, waving at me, then pointing to the chair next to him. I smiled at him and I pointed at my cup of coffee, walking towards the door.

He got up and helped me with the door, so I wouldn't spill the coffee.

"Good morning once again. This time in person." I told him laughing as I put my coffee on the table and sat on the chair.

"Good morning, sunshine. How did you sleep?" Pedri asked me while he was finishing his breakfast. "Are you hungry? Let me get you something to eat." he continues, interrupting me, as he gets ready to head to the kitchen.

"No, no, no, don't worry. I'm not hungry yet, but thank you so much. I slept so well, thank you once again for letting me stay for the night." I told him as I gave him a smile, going for eye contact that he broke eventually as I could see him blushing.

"Don't worry about it. How could I let you alone at your place when everyone is here? No way." he said as he got up to head to the kitchen and he suddenly said kind of aggressively "Oh, don't tell me, another cigarette?!"

I grabbed a cigarette from the pack while wasn't paying attention, and I started laughing when I heard him.

"Just one!" I said while I was batting my eyes and I smiled innocently at him.

"Whatever." he mumbled as he went inside to do the dishes he had.

I'm smoking my cigarette, as I take some sips from my coffee too, scrolling through my phone. I hear the door open, and Pedri comes back fast from the house. He chose to sit next to me this time, blaming the sun for getting to his place.

"No one woke up by now?" I asked him as I tried to look through the window inside.

"They are still sleeping. It was a long night for them." Pedri jokes.

I got a bit lost in my thoughts and I wanted to ask him about my first night there when we saw each other at that bar, but I wasn't sure if that was the best idea right now.

"Are you okay?" Pedri noticed my change of mood.

"I'm good, I just wanted to ask you something-" I got to start but someone decided to wake up right now.

"Oh, the lovebirds! Or am I still drunk from last night?" Evelyn said covering her eyes from the sun.

Pedri and I take a look at each other before we move our eyes to her. I can see him blushing and I can feel my face burning too. How I hate her sometimes.

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