chapter 31

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Pedri's POV

"Right, cus that would be so easy and nice to talk about my past relationship that destroyed me when I finally found my peace!" Ariana said full of anger, hanging up right before I could say anything else. Great.

I was walking down the house since I was stressed with the whole situation and I needed to calm down. At some point, I heard my phone ringing, and I ran to my bedroom just to see my agent calling.

"Yeah, at 9 PM I'll be there. No, I didn't forget about the party. Right, no, I won't forget the presents." I said as my agent made sure everything went well for the surprise party made for one of the guys from our team, so you can imagine everyone related to the management would be there.

I'm sure I fucked up with the way I reacted to Ariana, especially knowing that she wouldn't do what Marina did to me, but I remembered the way the guy she cheated on me picked up the phone that night instead of her. I wanted to give her a call again, but I was thinking that she was mad and that I should give her some space. I was in no mood to go to that party, I wish she was there with me at least.

Tonight I had a driver, so he arrived just in time when I was done getting ready. There were already some people at the venue and I also noticed Ferran there, who I would spend the whole night with.

"It's been some time." Ferran said greeting me.

"You tell me? I missed you. How are you?" I asked him as we both grabbed some drinks.

"I'm doing well, nothing new. Where is your girlfriend?" he said with a smirk.

"She had to go back home." I said trying to brush it off.

"Ah, man. It must be hard sometimes." he continued.

"It can be, but you know, it will be worth it eventually." I said and finally, someone came over to us and we changed the subject.

Everyone started cheering when the guy we were celebrating tonight showed up, totally surprised by the party. Shortly after, we got to take pictures together.

My stylist who got a bit tipsy was so happy to see us there and she wanted another picture with me, Ferran, the birthday boy, and the others who she worked with. I have no idea how or when she reached out to me, hugging me so closely.

"I will so post this picture to my story, it's so cute! I'm gonna tag you all, don't worry." she said and I just gave her an awkward smile, as I had no idea what else to do or to say.

After a few minutes, I barely heard my phone through the music ringing again, this time it was Evelyn.

"Excuse me, I'll be back." I said to the group I was with, going outside where the music wasn't too loud. "Hi, Evelyn. What's up?" I said a bit confused as she called me instead of Ariana.

"Ariana is angry, and I mean angry about the picture you just reposted and she called one of her old admirers to go out with. Not just with him, with us too." she said and I could feel a nod in my throat.

"Alright, well..." I tried to say but she continued.

"She thinks I'm calling someone to get out with too, she doesn't know I'm calling you. You should try and fix this, but she blocked you already. I will keep an eye on her, don't worry about it. Not even about this guy, she wants to make you angry with him because of that stupid thing you did." she said a bit hurrying.

"Evelyn, I know what this looks like. That girl is my stylist and she got a little tipsy, she is all over everyone, not just me, and I reposted it because we threw a party for one of the guys. I know I fucked up earlier with Ariana over the phone." I explained and she was silent for a few seconds.

"I won't talk to her about it now, because she won't listen and she would get mad at me that I did this. You just have to make somehow to call her later and talk to her, okay? I will text you when it's the right moment. Keep your phone close and pay some fucking attention to what are you doing." she said more like lecturing me.

"Evelyn, thank you so much..." I said.

"I care about my best friend a lot, and I would even kill for her. And I like you too, I think you're good company for her, but please don't be stupid and don't mess it up, she's been through enough and she will tell you at the right time. You have to trust her, she won't do anything to hurt you. Now I gotta go, take care." she said hanging up the phone.

"Everything alright?" Ferran asked me, as he saw that I was outside.

"Yeah, I just had to take a call." I said, avoiding giving details.

"I thought you left. Let's go back." he said as he pointed the crowd to me, barely wanting to go back there knowing I had to wait for the message from Evelyn.

"I think I will stay here, I don't really like the music." I said as I was sitting on a couch pretty far from the crowd.

"You know, if I was 12 I might have bought that. So, what's the thing?" he asked me as he figured it out.

"I had some sort of argument with Ariana and now I have to wait for a message when I can call her, but she blocked me pretty much everywhere and I have no idea what to do." I explained with an awkward laugh.

"You can use my phone." Ferran said as he handed me instantly his phone.

"Thank you, man." I said.

"I'm sure you can fix whatever happened." he said as he patted my back, going to talk to someone.

Time passed and after two hours I received the text from Evelyn, saying "Call her, now.", and so I did.

"Who is this?" Ariana said annoyed, "Hello? You can call but you can't talk?" she continued, "Can you hear me? Hello?".

"Yes, I can hear you." I said after I found my words.

"Pedri?" she asked confused, "Where are you calling me from? Why?" she continued.

"I called you to say that I'm sorry for the way I acted, I was inconsiderate and selfish. You didn't deserve that and I really regret it, I wanted to call you back after that but I was thinking that you might be upset and want some space. Now I'm dragged at a party where I wish I was with you or not to be at all." I explained but I heard her trying to say something.

"You don't like your company?" she asked with a bit of irony in her voice, referring to the picture.

"I know what it looks like-" I tried to say.

"Yeah, I've heard it before, now what's your excuse?" she said repeating the words I used earlier.

"Listen to me, that girl is my stylist, she's all tipsy and she was all over everyone there. I have no idea when she got there next to me for that picture, and I just reposted it because there was also this guy who we are throwing this party for." I explained but I heard her only laughing.

"Right, Pedri. I know, you just had no idea." she said.

"You know what? In the morning I'll be there." I said, "If you are not sure about who I care the most, I'll show you. I'll see you tomorrow." I continued.

"Wait, what?" she asked completely surprised.

"What you heard. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Wait, Pedri-" she was saying, hearing her slightly as I hung up the phone.

"Hey, Ferran. Thank you. Listen, do you think there's any chance you might give me a ride to the airport?" I asked him and he gave me a look.

"Right now?" he asked confused.

"I mean in like 20 minutes? I have to go back home and pack some things before." I explained.

"Yeah, sure." he said still confused, but laughing at my impulsiveness.

"You just helped me save my relationship." I said as I was making my way through the crowd, looking for my manager to let him know that we were leaving.

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