chapter 19

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"Pedri, turn it off. Pedri? Pedri! Be for real, turn that off. Wake up." I said, more like almost screaming at the alarm, or Pedri, since he was so deep into his sleep.

"Huh, what? What's happening?" he asked confused as I was shaking him, as it was the last chance I had to wake him up nicely.

"Nothing, wake up, we have to get ready to catch the sunrise." I reminded him and he got up instantly from bed.

"Okay, in 10 minutes we are leaving." he said as he tried to gain his walking skills again, I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Pedri, can I borrow a hoodie?" I asked him and he pointed to his closet.

"Choose whatever you want to get from there." he said as he also joined me in searching, looking to wear one too. I grabbed a simple, black hoodie while Pedri opted for a dark blue one.

"Do you wanna grab something with us?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"I would like some coffee, but we can get that on our way." he said as we were almost ready to leave.

"You just read my mind." I told him and I placed a kiss on his cheek, making him blush all over his face. "Where are we going though?" I asked him when we got into the car.

"I know a more private beach around, but first let's get our coffees." he explained as I was placing my hand on the back of his head, playing with his hair.

"Perfect. I hope you are ready to hear me talk for hours straight." I said and he laughed.

"That's why I want coffee." he joked and I just turned over, to ignore him, playing with him.

"Fine!" I said and he took his eyes from the road for a few seconds, trying to see me, but my hair was covering my face.

"Ariana... you know I'm kidding." he kindly explained but I still pushed it.

"I'm sure you are." I said in a serious tone.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I said something to upset you." he said right in time for the red lights, where he grabbed the hair from my face and held my hand. I turned around and I saw him only looking at me, to see if I was okay, and honestly, I just melted when I saw his sweet brown eyes.

"I was kidding too, I'm sorry. You could never upset me, Pedri." I told him and I held his hand closer.

After a few moments, I connected my phone to his car and I played a random playlist, just to have something to listen to. Soon enough he would stop to get us coffee, then continue our mini trip to the beach.

"Be careful, it's still pretty hot. Let me hold it." Pedri said when he noticed that I was going to take my coffee, as he parked the car.

We took a few steps until we got to the actual beach, but it was such a beautiful spot. I say it all the time, whenever I'm going somewhere, but it's just amazing. No one was around, it was all empty, it was just the two of us.

We simply sat down on the sand, he was holding me in his arms and I was still laying my head on his chest.

"Feels like a little piece of Heaven." I told him almost whispering, like I was talking to myself, "You were so lucky to grow up in such a beautiful place." I continued.

"I wouldn't trade it for anything, this is where I feel the best. I just have to look at any corner and it's already Paradise here." he said.

"Only if I knew how great it is here, I would've come sooner." I told him.

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