chapter 32

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As I got dressed up, I went to do my makeup. If Evelyn didn't show up again I even forgot that she was the next room.

"No luck for me tonight." she said pursing her lips, but still not so disappointed.

"I can ask Nicolas to bring a friend if you want to." I said as I looked for a lipstick.

"No, it's okay, it doesn't matter anyway. I will go and get Sofia so we can get ready together." Evelyn said as she was heading to the door.

"I'll wait for you." I said as she closed the door, leaving me alone again to get ready.

I was starting to feel a bit regret that I blocked Pedri, but I was still mad at him for what he did. I will unblock him tomorrow anyway, I hope we can discuss it and fix this. "Uhm, we are ready in 10." I heard Evelyn as I snapped out of my thoughts, as I looked in the mirror and I saw them standing by the door, "Okay, no rush." I said as I grabbed my phone and applied my plan earlier.

Meet us at my place?

I wouldn't let you alone

You are so sweet

Anything for you

Just come in, okay?

Okay, I'll see you in 30

Since I was done, I decided to go downstairs to the living room, waiting there for the girls to get ready. As I made myself comfortable on the couch, I was scrolling through my phone, without noticing the time. I got distracted by the door opening and the tall, muscular silhouette that was behind it.

"Nicolas?" I said surprised, getting up instantly to greet him. "I swear to God, you changed a lot." I continued as I hugged him.

"You're the one talking? Ginger looks so good on you, it reminds me of 12th grade." he said as he quickly analyzed me, having a smirk on his face.

"What a time..." I said laughing, remembering the time he referred to, when we met. "Have a seat, do you want something to drink?" I said as I welcomed him inside.

"I'm good, thank you." he said as he sat down, next to me.

"So, how you've been?" I asked him with a forced smile, as I was still thinking about Pedri and feeling guilty that I was kind of using this guy for tonight.

"Besides uni, nothing new. I'm looking for a job, but no one really wants to hire me." he said laughing awkwardly, "But you? What's going on in your life?" he continued with enthusiasm that quickly went away as he noticed my necklace that I was playing with.

"I'm just like you, but without the job part. I've just arrived from a holiday." I said, realizing why his mood changed.

"Really? Where have you been?" he continued, playing it cool.

"To Tenerife." I said, hoping he wouldn't ask for too many details.

"I heard it's amazing there, how it was for you?" he asked.

"Quite interesting." I said as I couldn't keep letting a smile out, "It's a beautiful place, you should visit it someday." I continued.

"Oh, look who's here!" Evelyn exclaimed as she was coming down the stairs, followed by Sofia.

"Everyone changed so much, wow. Hi." Nicolas said with a lot of surprise in his voice.

"Oh, be for real." Sofia said as she hugged him.

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