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"Wait here, Miss, I'll wake up my wife." Joonmyun let me sit at the table as he went to put away his bag.

"You don't have to," I said as I looked around the spacious cottage. There were many doors that led to different rooms and I was amazed at how clean it was. This family must've had many children; no cottage this big would be owned by one small couple. "I'll just leave in the morning. I don't want to be of any trouble."

"Oh, you're no trouble at all." He gave me a reassuring smile and I noted that he looked like an angel. I mentally congratulated his wife for her good choice of a husband. Joonmyun knocked gently on one of the doors and poked his head in. "Dear?"

I heard a tired mumble come from inside the room and looked away to give them some privacy. A moment later, a woman stepped out from inside the room and was putting on her robe as she greeted me with wide eyes.

"Good evening, Miss. I heard my husband found you stranded in the woods."

"You could say that." I stood up and bowed.

"You must be freezing cold in that thing." She pointed at my dress and I realized only now that the cottage was a lot warmer than outside. "Let me fix you a drink and then I'll prepare a bath for you."

"No, it's okay, Ms..."

"Call me Sookyung." The lady smiled shyly and walked away to the kitchen.

I couldn't even get a word in before she started building the fire in her stove. "Oh...okay." I watched her and her husband speak for a bit and thought they made a great couple. Would I ever be able to stare up at my husband like that with big adoring eyes? Or would I be stuck in a life of running away?

I shifted in my seat, a little uncomfortable with the knives against me. Hopefully, they didn't notice or else I'd be seen as a threat and their hospitality would be a waste.

"Here you go, my dear." A cup of tea was placed before me and I watched the steam roll off and tickle my nose with its sweet scent. I thanked Sookyung before she ran off to prepare me a bath. If I had known I would be treated to a hot bath, I wouldn't have taken the chilly dip this morning.

I sipped the tea little by little as Joonmyun prepared himself to go to bed. We spoke little to each other but he kept an eye on me. Before I even finished half of my drink, I was getting drowsy. Luckily, Sookyung was already done filling the tub.

When I was finally clean, I was taken to a bedroom to rest. Even though Sookyung insisted on cleaning my dress for me and letting me wear one of her own, I refused and just laid down on the bed. I didn't think I was very tired until my head hit the pillow and I instantly fell asleep.


It was dawn when I woke up all refreshed. Now that my head was fully clear, I knew I had to go back to Jongin. He'd be waking up soon as well. But then my senses were filled with the smell of pancakes, something I hadn't eaten for the longest time.

I peered out of my room and found Sookyung in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Good morning," she greeted me without even looking up. She'd be a great mother; she had already developed her sixth sense.

"Good morning." I slowly stepped out and stretched. Looking around, I saw that I was wrong about their family. There were no other people in the house except them. No portraits hung on the walls depicting relatives and there was definitely no trace of children running amok.

"Breakfast will be done in ten minutes."

I wanted to tell her that I couldn't have any but I didn't have the heart. "Could I go take a walk first? I just remembered I left something at the tree that I stayed at." I hoped I didn't have to tell her that I had forgotten a boy.

"I'll go with you." Joonmyun appeared at my side.

Sookyung put her hands on her hips and blew a strand of hair out of her face. "Fine, but you two get back quickly or else breakfast will be cold."

"We won't be long." Joonmyun waved and led me out the door. "So what'd you forget?"

"Umm..." This wasn't good. If he came with me, how was I supposed to run off with Jongin? "A bag. I guess I was too tired last night to fetch it before I went with you."

"Ah, no problem. There aren't many people who come around here so your bag should still be there."

I sighed inwardly out of relief. That means there won't be many people around to wake up Jongin. Knowing him, he'd be on his way the minute he was up. "That's good."

"So why are you traveling by yourself?" Joonmyun began kicking a rock around with his foot as we walked.

I had to be quick on my feet. Was I supposed to lie or tell him the truth? Even though Joonmyun looked the least bit affiliated with the enemy, I didn't have the courage to tell him my real story. "I was traveling with my brother to the north but we got separated along the way."

"What about your parents?"

I pressed my lips into a thin line, trying to figure out what to say. Jongin had never formulated this part of our story yet. "They passed away a few years ago," I quickly mumbled the words.

Joonmyun blew out a low whistle. "Sorry about that. How long have you been alone?" His voice had gone down an octave, sounding solemn.

"I lost track of my brother only a few days ago. Hopefully, he didn't go too far." Lying was getting easier and easier. Now I just had to make sure to fill in Jongin with this information in case he ever meets this couple.

"I hope you find your brother, too." Joonmyun stopped and pointed at a tree. "That's where I found you yesterday."

I thanked him and ran towards the tree, pretending to look around. Then I headed over to where I had left Jongin.


There wasn't even an imprint left where he had slept last night. I stood there for a moment, hoping Jongin would magically appear in front of me, still sleeping. But I knew he wouldn't and I began to panic a little. What could I do now?

"Did you find your bag?" Joonmyun appeared behind me and I turned around quickly to shake my head.


He laid a hand on my shoulder and directed me back towards the cottage. "It's okay, we'll get some new supplies prepared for you and then you can head off again whenever you're ready."

I looked behind me one more time, hoping Jongin would materialize out of nowhere. But that wasn't the case. I had to go back with Joonmyun. "Thank you so much," I bowed earnestly. They were some of the most generous people I had ever met. They seemed to be well-off but, unlike the royalty, they actually cared about others.

"Don't mention it."

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