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I was tired but I couldn't seem to fall asleep. I could tell that Jongin wasn't by my side anymore so I tossed around. My head pounded as I laid back down on the pillow and I groaned out loud. 

Something stroked my hair and I opened my eyes slightly. Jongin sat beside me against the wall. 

"Good morning," he whispered. 

I grunted a reply and then went back to sleep. Or at least tried to. It didn't help to know that Jongin sat there, watching me. 

I was going to have to talk to him about last night again but I wasn't in the mood for it at the moment. I didn't like being mad at him but I didn't want him to go off drinking every time he got angry. 

There was a knock at the door and then I heard Mrs. Kim's voice. "Is she up yet?" 

"Barely," Jongin mumbled. 

"I brought breakfast for you two." Her footsteps came closer and the smell of porridge reached my nose. 

Jongin thanked her and I felt the bed shift a little. "We'll be leaving today." 

"But the harvest festival is tomorrow. Why not stay for just a little longer?" 

My eyes opened then and I sat up abruptly, startling Jongin and Mrs. Kim. "I want to stay for the festival." My voice sounded hoarse and I realized my throat was a bit sore. 

Jongin shook his head. "We need to get moving." 

I gave him one last pleading look but I knew I couldn't argue with him. When he completely ignored my begging, I flopped back down onto the bed and pulled the quilt over my shoulders. 

Mrs. Kim left the room and I heard Jongin enjoying his breakfast. "Why do you want to go so badly?" he asked after a few minutes of eating. 

I rubbed my eyes before I replied to his back. "It'll be fun." 

"All they do is share food around. I don't think that's your kind of fun." 

I climbed over to where he sat and grabbed my bowl of porridge. "You seem to like food. Why don't you want to go?" 

Jongin's face turned to look at me. "Not interested in staying at a place for more than a day." He put down his spoon and put his knuckles against my cheek. 

"What are you doing?" I groaned, not even awake enough to move away. 

His fingers went to my forehead. "You have a fever." 

I sighed and shoved a spoonful of porridge in my mouth. Though it didn't taste like anything, I'm sure it would've been delicious if I wasn't sick. "Great." 

"Finish that and then go back to sleep." 

"Are we still going to be traveling?" I secretly hoped that he'd take pity and let me stay here. 

"Of course. I'll carry you." 

I swallowed some more porridge before putting the bowl down. I knew I wasn't going to win this argument either so I crawled back under the quilt. 

"Hey, put this on before you fall asleep. We're gonna be leaving soon." Jongin threw the brown cloak over my head and I managed to put it on properly. 

I fell back asleep right after Jongin left the room to bring down the dishes to Mrs. Kim. 

"Wake up, Sleeping Beauty." Somebody shook my shoulder and I opened my eyes to find Jongin helping me sit up. "Wear this and climb on my back." He handed me a new pack and then sat on the edge of the bed. 

I didn't know what was going on but my head hurt too much to care. I did as Jongin told and rested my head on his shoulder. He carried me down the steps and I waved goodbye to Mrs. Kim and Luhan. 

"I wish you could stay for the harvest festival." Luhan pulled my brown hood over my face and I nodded apologetically. 

Mrs. Kim grabbed my hands and slipped some mittens over them. "Stay warm over the winter. I packed a tent for you two and some extra food." 

I wished I was well enough to hug her but I didn't want to get her sick either. "Thank you," I said gratefully and then Jongin began moving. 

He followed a path in the forest and occasionally stopped to check on me. I hid any exposed skin under my cloak as the temperature fell. I could see Jongin's breath mix in with the frigid air and I tried to cover his arms from the crisp weather. His skin was turning red from the cold and it seemed harder for him to get air. When he stopped to take a sharp breath through his teeth, I spoke up. 

"Let me off," I said as I tried to push myself up. "I can walk." 

"No. It's fine." Jongin's arms tightened around my legs. "I'm fine." 

I pressed my palms against his red cheeks to warm them and he turned his head to look at me. "You've walked for most of the day. Let's set up camp here." 

Jongin took a look at our surroundings and, after seeing that the land was dry and flat, he nodded. I was let down and I saw his jaw tighten as he shivered. 

I forgot about my headache as I rummaged through the pack. Just like Mrs. Kim had said, there was indeed a tent in there and I set it up with shaky hands as Jongin collected firewood. 

"Done!" we both said at the same time. The two of us had red cheeks and noses as we stared at each others' work. We couldn't decide whether the tent or fire was more enticing. 

"Eat something and then go to sleep." Jongin handed me some dried meat and water. 

I accepted his offer and sat down by the fire. "I probably caught this from you," I said as I sipped on the cold water and shivered. "I'll be fine in a day." 

Jongin sat down beside me and put his hands near the fire. "But I heal faster than most people. I'm guessing you're gonna be sick for a few days." 

I pursed my lips. That meant I couldn't even sneak away to run back to the village for the festival. We hadn't traveled far and if I followed the right trail, I should've been able to get to the town. If I ran, I'd probably make it back by the morning after. 

"Eun Kyo..." I turned my head to find Jongin with a worried look on his face. His hands suddenly grabbed my shoulders as he leaned in. 

My eyes widened as I sniffed to clear my nose. What was he doing? 

I stilled as I felt his warm lips on my forehead. A strip of dried meat stuck out of my mouth and I stopped breathing. I could feel the blood rushing from my toes and fingers all the way to my face. My heart pumped so loudly that I feared Jongin would hear it. 

He sighed as he pulled away, blowing warm air on my face. "You still have a fever." He went back to poking the fire as I stared numbly at him. He wasn't drunk. 

How could he just—

Why did he—


"I'm gonna g-go to sleep," I said with meat still hanging out of my mouth, showing how much of a real princess I was. "Good night." I ducked into the tent and curled up in a corner. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to think but my head was aching because of my pounding heart.

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