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I felt a heavy shove against my shoulders and then my cheek hit a hard surface. I could barely open my eyes to see the glaring sunlight and my arms wouldn't move. Whether it was because I was somehow constrained or because my muscles were in pain, I didn't know.

Then the world was spinning or maybe it was just me spinning. I had the feeling I was falling before my nose hit something hard. Was last night's journey fruitless? Had I been brought back to the not-so-little cottage in the woods?

But I was too tired to get up. I merely groaned in pain before falling back to sleep.

"Oh God, Eun Kyo." I could barely hear Jongin's voice but I knew he was close. His warm arm came around my waist and the other hand got lost in my hair. I didn't even bother to reciprocate the gesture. "I'm so sorry."

My eyes fluttered opened, wondering what he was so sorry about. When I finally focused, I saw that we were on the floor, wrapped in a quilt cocoon. I let my head down again, not caring about lugging myself up back to the bed. It was warm here.

Then I realized why it was so warm.

My eyes snapped open and my arms scrambled to free themselves from their confines. I didn't even apologize as I tried to unwrap the two of us.

"Wait, wait, wait." Jongin tried holding onto me but my embarrassment was winning over his voice. I had somehow got on top of him during the night and enveloped ourselves in the quilt.

I rubbed my eyes to see better when I managed to pry one arm out. "I'm sorry," I said with a raspy voice.

"Wait!" Jongin grabbed my arms and pinned my body against his. His breathing was heavy and his dark brows were creased. "Don't move." He gritted his teeth as he talked and he obviously looked in pain.

I tried to pull my weight off of him and leaned on the one elbow that I had propped up by his head. His cheeks were a bit flushed as he stared at my neck and I opened my mouth to ask him if he was still sick.

Then I noticed something pushing against my thigh.

My eyes widened for a moment but I didn't want to embarrass Jongin by letting him know that I knew.

"Hey," Jongin muttered when he caught his breath. "Does it hurt?"

I blushed, wondering what he was referring to. For all I knew, every part of me hurt at the moment. "What?"

"Your shoulders."

I glanced over and realized there was a small ache in my shoulders but it was nothing compared to my legs. "A little."

"Sorry. I just got a bit surprised." Jongin wouldn't look me in the eyes when he talked; he stared past me at the ceiling. "I'm not used to sleeping this close to people."

"Oh." My mind wasn't processing his words very quickly.

His hand came down to my waist and we rolled over together. The moment my body rested against the floorboards, I wanted to nudge closer to Jongin and fall asleep again. But I knew he was uncomfortable at the moment so I just closed my eyes.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened yesterday?" Jongin yawned and I could feel his stare on me. "I remember falling in the kitchen but nothing after that. How'd we end up here anyway?" He sounded well-rested and alert, the total opposite of what I felt.

I shook my head in response to his question.

"What does that mean?" His tone instantly became confused.

My eyes opened just slightly and I stared at the collar of his shirt. I could remember how his bare chest reflected the soft moonlight as he laid on the bed. Then Sookyung's hungry face played in my memories as well. "I don't want to tell you." I murmured before closing my eyes again.

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