Jungkook's Magical Secret✨🤍

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At Jungkook Mansion....

Jungkook took his mom in her room and layed her on the bed ...his grandma and aunt came into the room...and sit beside Haru...

JK/GM -- I just talked to Mina....The Mina said..that the spell of the Demon of the ash can be broken by the water that has been touched by bloomed daffodils...

Jungkook -- And they will bloom when...

JK/AUNT -- When Angel touches them..
His Grandma nodded...

Jungkook -- Grandma give it to me...

JK/GM -- Be careful...

Jungkook was going to Tzuyu and Tzuyu was middle of the road to reach her house...Jungkook took his car and start driving when he saw Tzuyu car he speeds his car..and in minutes his car was parked in front of Tzuyu's car...

Jungkook opens the door of Tzuyu car...

Tzuyu -- Jungkook. What is it ..?

T/F -- Jungkook What are you doing here...?

Jungkook -- An important ritual...had to be done...

T/MOM -- A ritual..? What is it...?

Jungkook -- Grandma had said that before offering the flowers at the Gyeongbokgung palace...Tzuyu needs to touch them...

Jungkook stopped in the middle of his talk because he saw that buds didn't bloom...He put Tzuyu's hand once again on the glass which have buds on them...
But buds didn't bloom....

Tzuyu -- Jungkook, is everything fine at home...?

Jungkook look at her but didn't said anything because he was shock....that Tzuyu was not an angel...

Tzuyu -- Jungkook...where are you lost tell me is everything all right at home..?

Jungkook -- Everything will be fine...I'm sorry uncle you can go....

Jungkook goes towards his car...and start driving towards his home....

At Jungkook Mansion....

Jungkook -- Grandma we dragged Tzuyu in this matter unnecessarily...She is not an angel...

JK/GM -- How is that possible, Jungkook...?...Perhaps the buds didn't bloom because they were in water...

Jungkook -- Grandma, I took the buds out and made Tzuyu touch them...But they didn't bloom...Tzuyu, is not an Angel, Grandma...

Suddenly Jungkook saw that, The Picture frame in Which Jungkook, Jungkook's Mom. Grandma and aunt was with him....His mom eyes are turning black and something fog was coming out from her eyes...

Jungkook -- Grandma, What is coming out of Mom's eyes...

Jungkook yelled...Mom!

JK/GM -- Haru...

JK/AUNT -- Sister-in-law!...

Jungkook -- Mom open your eyes...Please, Mom..Mom!...

JK/GM -- The Demon of the Ash...is entrapping Haru...The spell is becoming more intense...Now, only Angel can save Haru...

JK/AUNT -- If Tzuyu isn't Angel, Who is it...?....

Jungkook was crying mess...His grandma trying to stop him...

After sometime...At Night....

Jungkook was feeding his mom food...

JK/GM -- it is the Beginning, Jungkook...if we don't find Angel soon...God knows what will happen in future...

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