Lisa enters Jeon Mansion..💙

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At Jungkook Mansion....

Jungkook was seeing the paper in which Lisa wrote her number.....

Lisa -- 'I usually don't give my number to anyone''s confidential'.....I'm giving it to you it shouldn't get leaked.....

Jungkook was biting his lower lip and was roaming here and there.......

JK/GM -- What are you doing, Jungkook..? her up...

Jungkook --

Jungkook take out his phone from pocket and start dialing her number...

JK/GM -- Hang on....what will you say..?
What reason will you give her to invite her home....?

Jungkook -- Buttons, Last time, she came to take her Button, N-No Pins.....
she came to take the pins....yes Now, I remember she came to take the clips...I'll tell her we found her clips...

JK/GM -- Okay...

Suddenly his bird came and sat on the vase...Grandma saw him and said...

JK/GM -- Why did Dogsuli come here...?

Jungkook saw him and said...

Jungkook -- I'm calling a girl, Dogsuli is very much interested in girl and especially, in her....

JK/GM -- Ok..Fine, Go ahead...

At Lisa side....

Lisa was packing the pastries...and phone was ringing but her phone was afar from, she can't hear her phone's...but suddenly Lisa hear that her phone's was ringing she goes towards her phone and pick up the call...


Lisa -- Hello...

Jungkook was lost in his own thoughts...

Lisa one again said...

Lisa -- Hello...Hello, Listen...if you have called me up to offer me a home loan, let me tell you...we surely want a home loan..but we don't have money pay it off...if you have call me up to remind me..

Jungkook frowns at her words....

Jungkook was going to say some words...But again cutted off By Lisa....

Lisa -- if you're a secret admirer, let me tell you...I just don't like such people!...

Jungkook pokes his inner cheeks with his tongue....

Lisa -- I also know how to use slangs...

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.....

JK/GM -- Say Hello, At Least....

Jungkook -- Hello!!....

When Lisa hears Jungkook stern Voice she got shocked....and cheerfully said...

Lisa -- OH, God! is Mr.Bunny...Did you find my clips...? She yells cheerfully at phone....

Hearing her yell Jungkook remove his phone from his ears and look at phone than his Grandma...He mute the call and said....

Jungkook -- Grandma, she can't be an Angel...She talks a lot...

JK/GM -- An Angel need not be a silent one...Just talk to her....You, Silly Boy!!...

Jungkook unmute his call and said....

Jungkook -- Hello. Your clip has been found...Please come home and collect it...

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