Jungkook in a tight spot✨...

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At Jungkook Mansion....

Jungkook -- Is her mother...?

JK/GM -- Yes...

Jungkook -- Her mother's name is OH Yeon-Joo....

JK/GM -- Oh Yeon-Joo...?

Jungkook -- Yes....

JK/MOM -- Oh Yeon-Joo isn't she is the one, Mother-in-law...?...she used to be the most famous courtesan in entire Seoul...The Angel is her daughter...

Jungkook -- Yes, Mom...

JK/GM -- Haru, it is 2024...and the practice is obsolete now...

JK/MOM -- I know that but they are the same people...The same blood...

JK/GM -- Stop being so old-fashioned...your thoughts hold on importance now, Haru...

JK/MOM -- So Mom, Do you want me to get such a girl home...who is a Courtesan...?...One who can do anything for wealth!!...

Jungkook was listening to their words silently...He now hates Lisa soo muchh....

JK/MOM -- She can make families fall apart...such a women had done the same to me...years ago, she snatched my husband away from me...Such women never bother if the man is married or not...or if he is a father...all they want is money...

Jungkook eyes darkened in anger listening to his mom words...

JK/MOM -- No, Mother-in-law, I will not allow her...or her daughter here...

JK/GM -- But the mother is a courtesan...not the daughter.....Lisa sells cookies and is an innocent girl...

JK/MOM -- Innocent you say Girls of such families can never be innocent...our upbringing defines us...I will never allow such a girl inside this house...

JK/GM -- I repeat, Haru....Lisa is not a courtesan...

JK/MOM -- She will soon become one...Her upbringing will surely have an effect on her...I am ready to die...if I may.

Jungkook -- Mom, What...

JK/MOM -- But I will never take her help.....Jungkook, Are you listening...?..J-Jungkook...

Jungkook's mom was finding him in front of her...but he was on her left side...seeing this Jungkook got worried and said...

Jungkook -- Mom...I am here....

JK/MOM -- I can't see anything...?

Jungkook -- What..?...What Mom...?

JK/GM -- Haru...

They were questioning her....when she got unconscious...

JK/GM -- Haru...

Jungkook -- Mom please...

The Mark which was only covering her hand....Now, The mark has reached her cheeks....

JK/GM -- Jungkook!!..The pattern is spreading...Mina had told me that if it covers the eyes...she will turn blind...Jungkook only Angel can save her now...

Jungkook -- How do I get her here now, Grandma...?

Jungkook was crying...and his grandma too...

JK/GM -- I don't know how...Just get her here right now...it is about her life...Go on!!

Jungkook stand up and grabbed his car keys and rushed towards the car....and start driving...

Jungkook calls Lisa...But this time Lisa's mom pick up the call and said...

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