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As soon they left, Geetha with Bulat came down for those in need, especially Bakar on the ground "Thanks, guys... God my back hurts like hell..." He uttered while getting up "I swear... That kid's built like a freight train or something... I sure don't ever want to be on his bad side... Better yet from now, I'll stay as far away from him as possible..." He exclaimed while being taken away by other Mentors who didn't want to deal with the kids, thus leaving them with their unanswered questions.

Meanwhile, Alicia supported Kim who was holding onto her broken Guitar with conflicting emotions from sadness to rage only to see chaos erupting behind them "See I told you!... Something is horrifyingly wrong with that kid... Or whatever he's supposed to be..." Sam lashes out at Ali who steps back with Roza following up "Damn right!... I can see the rage of a killer in his eyes... As if we were this close to being six feet underground..." She added with many nodding with suspicion, wanting to know the truth.

But thankfully Alicia interrupted "Leave him alone... I know what you're feeling... But we all know what happened last time when something similar happened... We need answers but without troubles..." She explained with Rudy agreeing "Yeah... Accusing someone for nothing only leads to bad blood... All we need to know for now is why he's here..." He added which calmed at least some of them.

"And how're suppose to do that... Because I don't think so Leo'll spill the beans and forget about the higger ups who're ignoring us like cockroaches..." Rizka questioned which made them think before staring at Ali as if he was already cooking up a plan "Well... Um... I know a way... But it might be too filmy for anyone's liking..." He stated before glancing over at Kim who immediately understood what he meant and wasn't amused about it at all.

Meanwhile, Leo was stumbling down the hallway cursing under his breath towards his room arranged by Karya before locking himself inside and collapsing down on the bed while checking through his pockets for something to calm down but found nothing "Shit... Must have forgotten them..." He signed frustratedly only to receive a call from someone "Whoever it is... I'm having a break so please fuck off!..." He yelled but was met with a deafening silence followed by a cold chuckle shaking him down the spine after recognizing the old voice as he immediately stood up for respect despite it being a call.

"I'm sorry General... I just got back from troubles, still getting used to it..." He apologises only for the laughter to rise "Relax kid, I know everything... Plus it's only us here..." The person assured before going straight for details "So anyways... How has it been for you in Malaysia... I assume it's pretty warm and cosy down there, isn't it?..." He asked warmly but Leo knew the deal "Sir with all due respect... I have been doing great... Met some nice people except for some as usual but overall it's fantastic here..." He answered honestly.

"Well, my boy... I'm glad to know that but listen closely... You're there for the mission and not a vacation..." He tried to guilt-trap him before continuing "And according to recent reports, we may only have three weeks left before the literal deadline... This mission of yours is bigger than anything you can imagine... And mark my words, if anything goes wrong then your life would be worth nothing anywhere you go... But before blaming me, remember that it was you who chose it yourself despite my counter orders... And it's not a warning but an ultimatum... I hope you understand..." The elder coldly stated waiting for the answer.

"I know, sir... Just give me more time... It's going to take me a lot longer than I thought... But trust me, it'll be one shot straight to heaven..." Leo hurriedly answered "Good boy... I would be looking forward to that... Well then relax for now... But don't make me regret this ever, see you soon..." With that, the call shortly ends as Leo throws the phone across the room making it scatter into pieces.

But it wasn't the end, with someone abruptly knocking at the door with a familiar voice "Hey Leo, are you in there?..."

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