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"Leo... Can you hear me?..." It was none other than Ali who was knocking while he panicked "Shit..." He cussed himself while hiding away the broken phone before calmly opening the door "Oh Ali..." He wasn't surprised but was concerned about something else "Yeah me... What took you so long?..." He whined while stomping past him and sitting on the couch "Sorry, I was... Resting..." He tiredly answered while sitting across.

Seeing the once demon warrior, now a drowsy boy made Ali chuckle "I'm kidding... But I hope you're okay..." He corrected while looking around for anything suspicious "I know... And I'm fine, just exhausted..." He exclaimed while stretching his arms "Anyways... What brought you here?..." Leo asked though he already suspected something only to be caught off-guard.

"Well, have you had dinner yet?..." His question puzzled him "Um... Not yet?... What about it?..." He questioned back "Nothing much... But would you like to join us?... We're going to Mamak Maju... Trust me, it's a great place..." He awkwardly invited but was denied.

"I mean it sounds amazing... But General might call me for briefing, so I must always be ready..." He exclaimed only to be cut off "C'mon, dude... It wouldn't take that long... Plus some fun's necessary, isn't it?..." But he remained silent as if cussing himself before asking "But why ask me?..." Regarding their fight.

To which, Ali stands up and gets closer "Look, you don't need to explain or worry about anything... You have your reasons and I respect that..." He proudly patted his shoulders "Also it's not like we have behaved properly let alone treated our guest with respect either..." Referring back since their meeting "I know a lot has happened today... But as elders say, at least the night should end happily..." Ali expressed his reasons but he didn't budge as he used his final technique.

"It's the least we can do for our great Russian bear, now can't we?..." He used his puppy eyes which he couldn't tolerate "Fine whatever dude... Let's just go... I don't have the energy to argue with you..." He sighing agreed while getting up followed by Ali "That's why dinner's important, dummy!..." He taunted while leading the way down the hallways and fortunately, Leo remembered to lock the room properly.

Unknowingly to them, as they left a group emerged out from their hiding "Ok, the coast's clear... Let's move in..." The Westerner commanded as they dashed across "Hey can you open it without alerting-" He asked only to see the door already opening "Don't ever underestimate me, fools!..." Glasses taunted while getting inside "Um... See, I told you... My plans are as smooth as my hair..." He commented, combing his hair only to be pushed inside by the hedgehog "I swear to God... If I get in trouble for this then I'll polish my shoes with those hair..." He carefully looked out if they were being watched before closing the doors.

Meanwhile, the duo silently walked as Leo took him through the parking lot, stopping beside something undercover "Why're we here?..." Ali confusingly questioned as he smirkingly took his keys out and started the engine behind them with the cover falling, stunning him "Wait... Isn't that!..." He exclaimed with his jaw-dropping "Kawasaki Vulcan S, my ride... One of the only perks of the agency..." He answered while getting on it and revving its thunderous engine "Damn bro, I like your style!..." Ali squealed while getting behind him and holding onto him while he chuckled "I hope you're ready... Because it's going to be a flight!..." He warned while launching it down the streets going over 180kph like a missile.

But back in the room, after rumbling through everything from bed to cupboards they were now lying on the floor from exhaustion "Found anything yet?..." Sam asked as if he was blind and was met by a flying shoe, knocking him down "Eat it!... That's what we find, motherfucker!..." Rudy rages out from frustration "Oh yeah!... Then take this!..." Sam finds another shoe and throws it at him which he easily dodges only for it to hit the closet behind as Khai remembers something "Wait I guess, we forget to check up there..." He questioned while Rudy defeatedly sighed and climbed up only to find something "Well what do you know... He's not amazing... We're just that dumb..."

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