Getting Away

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Your father stood in front of you and held out the gem once more, you closed your eyes and winced.

Expecting something to happen.

"Thanks to the power dampener on the cell, you can't manipulate your daughter anymore." Tony growled as you sighed in relief.

"You cannot take her from me! She is my daughter and I know what is best!" He shouted, slamming his fist against the glass.

Suddenly the cell began to fill with a type of vapor as your father fell to his knees.

"W-What the hell are you doing?" He grumbled before you fell onto the floor, completely unconscious along with your father.


When you awoke once again you were in your bed with Bucky laying beside you reading a book.

You smiled and slowly moved closer to him.

"Good sleep?" He asked making you chuckle.

"Yeah, can Tony give me that every night?" You asked as Bucky laughed softly.

"That's called a drug addiction." He joked as you shook your head and lightly shoved him.

"How's my father?" You asked as Bucky closed his book and wrapped as arm around you.

"Angry, making empty threats like we thought he would." He said making you sigh softly.

"Why don't we just...kill him?" You muttered, leaning against Bucky.

"We can't... As much as I want to, the team isn't like that." He said as you nodded and sighed.

The door opened and Steve walked in with some food and water.

You smiled and sat up.

"There's our hero. I'm starving." You said as he chuckled softly and placed the food down on the bed.

"I've been talking to Tony about what we're going to do with your father, we want to send him to the raft. It's a high security prison in the middle of the ocean, it's the only place he won't hurt anyone." Steve said as you began eating and nodded a little.

"We also talked about you too, Tony wanted you to go to Shield for them to rehabilitate you. But, he knows how close we've gotten to you and slowly come to terms that you didn't want to hurt anyone, you just weren't in control." He said as you nodded a little.

"Thank you... Maybe I could get away for a bit, or maybe we could? I was locked away, for so long and then I got freedom and I had to fight for my life. I just want to see the world and see what a normal life is like, you know?" You muttered, staring down at the food in thought.

"That night be a good idea actually... Maybe Europe." Bucky said as you smiled at him.

"We'll figure it out soon, darling. For now let's just eat food and watch movies." Steve said sitting down beside you, making you smile.

"Sounds perfect to me."

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