Chapter 47: Please, Hug Me

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However, as soon as she sat down, Damien's hand moved slightly. Olivia noticed several bruises on his slender fingers, like flaws on an otherwise perfect gem. His beautiful fingers opened slightly, as if reaching for something.

Olivia hesitated for a moment, then tentatively placed her hand in Damien's palm. The next second, his fingers tightened around hers. His eyes remained closed, but the furrow in his brow gradually eased, as if he had finally found what he wanted.

Olivia's heart ached. "Why are you so... foolish?" she whispered, feeling a mixture of frustration and sorrow. But the man lay still, seemingly oblivious to her words.

Damien's fever started in the middle of the night. Olivia had asked the nurse to move a bed next to his, and she lay beside him. Though exhausted from the day, she found it impossible to sleep. Late into the night, she felt his hand growing hot. She touched his forehead and realized he was burning up.

The doctor was just outside and quickly came in to examine him. "Mr. Thorn has a mild infection from his internal wounds, causing the fever. We'll adjust his medication now," he said.

Olivia's hand was held tightly by Damien, so she asked the nurse to bring a basin of cold water. Placing it by the bed, she soaked a towel and gently laid it on Damien's forehead.

Time passed slowly, and his fever started to subside. Olivia changed the towel and was about to wring it out with one hand when Damien's lips parted, and he murmured something.

Curious, Olivia leaned in closer to hear. Pressing her ear to his lips, she caught his whisper directly:

"Liv, why don't you like me anymore?"

Olivia froze, her heart struck by an indescribable emotion. The next moment, Damien spoke again:

"Liv, I want a hug."

"Please, hug me," he pleaded, his voice slightly hoarse and different from usual, almost... childlike?

Olivia hardly dared to breathe as she listened, stunned by Damien's words.

"Please, hug me, Liv. Pity me..."

The man who was usually so fierce and intimidating, who had once threatened to break her legs, who imposed countless 'do nots' on her, now lay there, stripped of his armour, vulnerably asking why she didn't like him anymore.

He wanted her to hug him.

Olivia's eyes stung with tears. Her voice choked as she said, "Okay, Dami, I'll hug you."

With that, she climbed onto Damien's bed, kneeling beside him, and gently embraced him.

Damien was covered in injuries, so Olivia didn't dare get too close, but even with some distance, she could still clearly hear his heartbeat.

She could hardly hold back her tears, unable to tell who this bitterness was for:

"Why are you so persistent with me, Dami, you've suffered so much..."

The man on the bed seemed entirely oblivious to her words. He could only feel the faint warmth of her embrace, like a dream, or a memory from many years ago.

It was the warmth he had always longed for, cherished beyond measure.

The room was dimly lit, but Olivia saw a faint smile slowly spread across Damien's lips.

That smile was pure, almost boyish, in its simplicity.

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