Chapter 49: Give Yourself to Me

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Damien's wound needed redressing, and a female nurse had entered the room.

Olivia noticed the nurse approaching with fresh bandages. She realised she was blocking the nurse's path and decided to move her chair slightly.

However, the man on the bed immediately furrowed his brow in displeasure.

Noticing Damien's expression, Olivia quickly asked, "Are you in pain?"

Damien didn't respond verbally, but his intense gaze remained fixed on Olivia.

Olivia was confused. She had merely shifted her chair slightly. Why did the man in the bed seem so displeased?

As Olivia's confusion showed on her face, Damien's aura grew increasingly stern and forbidding.

Liv clearly didn't care for him. Seeing another woman approach him, instead of shooing her away, she had actually risen to make space for the nurse!

This realisation made his wounds feel like they were tearing through his very nerves. Rage flashed in his eyes, and finally, he couldn't hold it in any longer.

He shouted at the nurse, "Get out!"

His sudden outburst terrified the nurse, who had no idea what she'd done wrong.

Damien's notorious temper was well known, so without asking for an explanation, she fled the room, fearing she might be skinned alive if she delayed.

The male nurses likewise shrank from approaching, clutching medical supplies with trepidation on their faces.

Olivia finally understood and chuckled inwardly, though she affected a serious tone as she leaned in to address Damien's ear.

"Dami, it's only male nurses now. Shall we proceed with the dressing?"

She then explained, "I had intended to send her away earlier, but since she's medical staff, I had to suppress my jealousy and allow her to stay."

Hearing this, Damien's lips curled slightly. His violent aura receded a bit, allowing the medical staff to approach.

The nurses tended to Damien's dressings and took his vitals with palpable nervousness, exhaling in relief only after confirming his condition was stable and taking their leave.

At that moment, a phone rang by the bedside.

Olivia recognised her own ringtone and quickly went to check.

The screen clearly displayed a name—

Evan Darling.

Olivia's eyes widened slightly with regret - how could she have forgotten to change that overly familiar contact name!

As she hesitated, Olivia could feel the cold aura emanating from Damien behind her.

Oh no, Dami was going to overthink this again!

Flustered, Olivia tried to reject the call, but in her haste, she accidentally answered it on speakerphone instead!

A smooth male voice came through the speaker: "My Liv—"

Olivia responded hastily, fumbling to end the call.

But Evan Nolan continued briskly, "Today is our anniversary. Have you forgotten? I've been waiting all day for your call, but sadly, I haven't heard from you."

A tinge of disappointment seemed to color Evan's tone.

Olivia cursed him inwardly.

What bloody anniversary? Calling her now of all times, he was going to get her killed!

"I'm busy right now. I have to go." Olivia said, trying to end the call.

Just before she could, Evan rushed to add,

"I've prepared a gift for you. But I don't need anything in return, Liv. Just give yourself to me today, will you?"

Olivia was stunned by his brazen words.

In her previous life, although Evan had altered her memories and pretended to be her boyfriend, he had never behaved intimately with her.

Yet in this lifetime, the same man had the audacity to propose such a thing so boldly!

A gift? Olivia remembered what had happened around this time in her past life and suddenly had an idea.

Very well, she did indeed have a grand 'gift' for him!

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