Chapter 1 Drunken nights

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# This is a new book requested by CourtenyJones135. It's Kyle David Hall and Andy Biersack. It sounds like a cute idea don't you think? Please be patient with updates as I'll more than likely forget about it at some point like my last story. Ps. This is also an mpreg, don't like, happily leave now. #
*Kyle pov*
The bass reverberated deep in my chest as I moved to the pumped up crowd around me. As an eighteenth birthday present, my mom gave me tickets to see Black Veil Brides. Cool, right?
"That's it for our show, everyone!" Andy yelled into the mic, after they finished Faithless. "Want to thank everyone for coming out, it's been one hell of a sick tour! Until next time, rock on LA!"
Everyone in the crowd screamed in union as we watched them run off the stage.
I worked my way to where they were doing their quick meet and greet and stood off to the side.
Thanks to Bryan, I've managed to become friends with the guys, so it really wouldn't be hard for me to see them when they were going to the bus.
I waited off to the side, taking my fair share of pictures with fans, before I had somehow managed to work my way up to the table with them.
CC wasted no time throwing his arm around my shoulders and pulling me behind the table with the guys. The fans pouted but I was honestly thankful.
The life of someone's hero can be scary when the one's you save are teenage girls with access to anything.
After another hour, the security guard came in and cleared out the remaining fans. Another came behind the table and escorted us to the band bus.
I was about to step in behind Jinxx when I felt a strong arm around my waist.
"Hey Kyle, if you want, you can come to my house and hang out," Andy said in my ear, leaned in extremely close to be heard over the engine.
"Sure man," I yelled back, leaning away to hide my extreme blush.
He smiled brightly and allowed me to walk up the stairs, keeping his hand on my back until we entered the room with all of others.
We all gathered in the main room of the bus as it drove them to their respective houses. Seeing as me and Andy were the only single ones there, we stuck to one side, leaving the others to do couply things on the couches. We were all drinking (even though I wasn't old enough shhhh), so I was pretty wasted by the time we made it to Andy's apartment complex. He helped me down the stairs of the and kept his arm around my waist along the way. I leaned against his side as slow giggles escaped my mouth, not noticing his arm traveling lower and lower down my back.
When we finally made it to his floor, he picked me up and let me hang over his shoulder. He had a slight wobble to his step but he still managed to get us in his apartment without any accidents.
I was gently tossed onto the couch, quickly joined by Andy. I was still giggling uncontrollably and didn't notice him standing back up and going to the kitchen.
I looked up at him, making grabby hands as he reappeared with a bottle of vodka.
He sat down next to me, working the cork out and taking a long drag of the strong liquid straight from the bottle.
My legs wrapped around his waist from the side as my arms worked themselves around his neck.
He held the bottle up to my lips, allowing me to drink before taking more himself.
After we had drank most of it, we were completely shit faced.
(Andy not as much as he's been doing this longer but still pretty damn wasted.)
I wasn't even comprehending what I was doing anymore as I stated kissing along his shoulder blade.
He leaned into the back of the couch, placing his arm around my ass, pulling me around to straddle his lap.
I turned my head, kissing and sucking up the side of his neck until I got to his strong jaw.
Andy quickly turned his head towards me, capturing my lips in a heated, sloppy kiss.
Had I been sober, I would have taken it slow, but I found out I was a horny drunk really quick.
Subconsciously, I started grinding down into his lower belly, moaning into his mouth at the sweet friction. He started bucking upwards, calling out my name as he broke the kiss.
Standing, he gripped my ass with one hand , holding me in place as the other ran along my back.
He began moving in the direction of what I assumed to be his room.
If you asked me if I truly wanted what happened next, not even then would I deny my desire.
#Okay so this first chapter is extremely short but I'll probably go back and add more to it later. I will probably update the next chapter in a few days (or at least try to) and let you know what happened *wink wink* Ok, thanks for reading and tell me what you think so far.#

Eyes on the Prize (Andy B x Kyle H) boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now