Accepting Pain

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The nausea, of course, didn't go away. That would be too easy.
After like three days I stopped eating in hopes of no longer puking, but of course I just puked up the water I occasionally drank.
After a week, just like he said, Johnnie came by my apartment.  He took one look at me before grabbing my arm and pulling me off the  couch and out the door.
No matter how much I tried to reassure him, he ignored me and continued down to the parking garage.
"Johnnie, god damn it! Leave me alone! I'm fine!" I yelled, twisting in his grip.  
He stopped abruptly, turning to face me.
"Look at yourself Kyle! You look half
dead! In a week you've managed to look half dead!" He gripped both of my arms in his hands and lowered his voice, "please, Kyle. If not for your own well being, for me and Bryan? I understand it's hard accepting you could be pregnant, but if you are, you could hurt them and yourself."
He looked in my eyes looking half ready to cry.
Slowly, I nodded, lowering my head to avoid his stare.
He pulled me forward to hug me and lead us the rest of the way to his car.
"Bryan says hi by the way," he said, cranking the engine.
I looked out the window as he pulled out of the garage and onto the road. We kept quite for the ride, the only noise being the music playing on low.
We pulled into the parking lot of a small building after awhile. I realized it was the one Johnnie went to when he was pregnant with Christina.
Inside, Johnnie pointed towards the chairs and walked over to speak with the receptionist.
I watched him from the corner chair, hand resting over my stomach. I saw a lady look over at me but quickly turned away when she saw my face.
After a minute or two, Johnnie walked over to me and sat down.
"Dr.Wilson, the lady who was my doctor, can see you in a minute," he said, leaning closer. "Don't be mad, but I already set an appointment up. I figured it wouldn't hurt to get a check up anyway."
We sat there for a bit,  him on his phone and me picking at my nails, until a short lady walked out and called my name.
Johnnie stood, walking over to shake her hand. I stayed seated, not wanting to be here at all anymore.
Johnnie looked back at me, looking agitated by my uncooperation. He walked back to me and pulled me up and tugged me over to the doctor.
I slowly reached my hand out and shook her hand.
"Hello, Kyle," she said, leading us back through a door.  "Johnnie told me what's wrong. Let's just get your basic vitals and then I'll do some test."
I nodded and looked at my feet as we walked, following close behind Johnnie.
She took my height which hasn't changed in about three years and blood pressure which was low apparently. I was scared to get my weight because if she didn't fuss at me, I knew Johnnie would. I mean, I'd gone a better half of a week not eating cause I was puking.
It was surprisingly only about five pounds, give or take,  lower than last time I weighed.
After all that, she took us to an empty room before leaving to get the test supplies.
"It's alright, Kyle," Johnnie said, sitting down beside me on the table.
I shook my head, clenching my fist into the parchment to keep from shaking.
"What would I do if I really am pregnant?" I asked leaning against him. "I'm not ready for that. Yeah, you were younger when you had Christina, but you also had Bryan. The only guy I've ever had sex with we were drunk and said he wanted to forget it ever happened." My voice cracked a bit at the end, showing how weak I was over this thing.
Johnnie wrapped both of his arms around me and held my head in his shoulder allowing me to cry.
"Hey, man. Me and Bryan will go with you to talk to Andy. If you want, we could tell him ourselves," he stroked my back gently while he talked. "Just remember, if he won't help we can hurt him then take his place if need be."
I honestly couldn't tell if he was being serious or not, but I nodded anyway, afraid my voice would fail if I tried to speak.
After a minute, my tears had stopped but I stayed in Johnnie's shoulder until the door opened to reveal the same doctor with a handful of stuffs.

Alright, sweetie," she said smiling reassuringly when she saw my tear stained face, "I'm just going to take a quick blood sample, alright?"
I nodded and slowly rolled my sleeve up so she could clean my arm. 
It only took a minute or two before she put a tip over the needle and placed a bandaid over the small hole.
"Give me like ten minutes and I'll have your results." She patted my arm, grabbed the vial of blood and walked out of the room.
Letting out a sigh, I leaned back into Johnnie. My mind raced with different possibilities.
Would Johnnie and Bryan really be able to help me? What would happen if I was pregnant? Would I need to tell Andy? Of course, you have to tell him! Would he accept it? Would he offer help? Can I really tell him? What if he thinks I'm lying?  Would I be able to do this? What about abortion? Nonono! But I can barely take care of myself! Too bad! It's basically murder!
The doctor took this time to walk back in snapping me from my thoughts.
"Well, sweetie, I don't know if this is good news or bad news," she said, sitting down in her chair in front of us, "but you are for sure pregnant."
My breathing stopped, then speeding up ten fold.
Johnnie quickly grabbed me and held me to his chest, stroking my back murmuring that it would be okay.
The doctor stayed quiet as I slowly worked my breathing back to normal.    
Quickly, I stood up, grabbing Johnnie and walked towards the door.  I didn't give either of them a chance to speak before I was outside and in the car. I refused to speak even as Johnnie got in and started the car.
"Look-," he said looking at me.
"Don't," I cut him off. "Just take me to your house. I don't don't want to talk about it until then. I do not want to talk."
He sighed through his nose and turned back to the steering wheel and pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road.     

*I apologize for taking so long with this. I'll try to work at school but no promises. My phone is slightly stupid and isn't charging right. So don't expect a whole lot or get your hopes up.
Stay safe and remember I love you.*

Eyes on the Prize (Andy B x Kyle H) boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now