Drunken Morning

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I woke up to a killer headache and a terrible stomach pain. There was a heavy arm around my stomach holding me down.
My stomach turned and I tried to push myself away from the other body. With no anvil, I leaned over the edge of the bed and released the contents that was making me hurt.
If they ask, I'll clean it up later.
The sheets rubbed against my naked body, making the nausea come back, only this time I was able to hold it back.
I heard a low groan beside me. My first instinct was to lay still and pretend to still be asleep.
"Kyle?" The person beside me mumbled in an impossibly deep voice.
I tried to turn and see who was behind me, but was stopped by a sharp pain in my lower back.
"Hey, hey, easy, Sweets," they said gently, helping to roll me over.
Andy propped himself up with an elbows he could look over me. He was also completely naked.
I hid my face in my arm and tried to cover myself with the other hand.
"What happened last night?" I mumbled into my elbow, refusing to look at him.
He gently moved my arm from my face. His face was of pure regret. "I'm pretty sure we fucked," he mumbled.
My stomach clenched at his words. Not only for the alcohol leaving my body but at how much he sounded disgusted.
I shakily nodded my head and let out a shaky breath.
I slowly sat up, wincing in pain, flinching when Andy tried to help me up.
"Dude, I puked in your floor by the way. Let me get dressed and I'll clean it up," I mumbled as I tried to find my clothes.
"No, no. Don't worry about it man. Just sit in the living room and I'll drive you home."
Andy stood up and grabbed some boxers from the floor.
Nodding, I found my pants and slipped them on. I looked for my shirt, but with no luck.
"I give up," I mumbled under my breath. "Dude, if you see my shirt can you bring it out?" I limped out before he could reply and slowly lowered myself onto the couch. Kicking the empty vodka bottle out of the way and leaning back allowing myself to relax.
A few minutes later, Andy walked out completely dressed with an extra shirt in his hand.
"I couldn't find your shirt but you can have one of mine," he said throwing it at me. He grabbed his keys and slipped his feet into his boots before walking over and helping me stand up. I slipped on my vans and followed him out the door.
He led us to the elevator and stood awkwardly to the side once the door closed behind us.
"Look, Andy," I huffed after the awkward silence set in, "I realize you regret what we did last night. So let's just forget it ever happened, alright? You're clean right?"
He sighed and nodded his head. "Look Kyle-"
He was cut off by the doors opening, allowing me to escape to the parking garage.
Andy followed slowly behind me unlocking the car once we were close enough.
I got in and buckled my seat belt, refusing to look up from my lap even as Andy got in and started the car.
He opened his mouth just to close it a few times, clearly wanting to say something.
"Andy," I said after a minute of just sitting there, watching him trying to find his words, "you don't have to say anything. It was a drunken mistake. Let's just drop it. You didn't want it so as long as you didn't give me a STD or something, you never have to worry about it again. Alright? Alright. Just drop me off at Bryan's place."
I could tell he still wanted to say something, but we were too close to Bryan's apartment complex to start a new conversation, so he allowed it to drop.
After a few more turns, we pulled into the parking garage and I got out.
"Later dude," Andy waved out the door before I closed it behind me.
I gave him a small smile and waved back as I walked into the building, leaving him behind.
I slowly made my way to Bryan and Johnnie's apartment and knocked.
After a minute, their daughter Chris opened the door, followed by Johnnie.
"Hey, bro, what's up?" Johnnie asked, picking his small child up.
"Hey man, can I come in?" I asked, giving then both a small smile.
He stepped to the side, opening the door for me.
I walked pass them, barely acknowledging Bryan in the kitchen, and fell face first into the couch.

*Ok, so still really short, but I feel this story will have short chapters. And no smut. I might go back and put it in, might not. Enjoy and tell me what you think.
Ps. I felt like throwing bryhnnie and their child from my other story in this cause I wanted to. Ok bye. *

Eyes on the Prize (Andy B x Kyle H) boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now