Days Slipping Away

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It's been about two weeks since I'd last seen Andy. It might have been three, I don't know anymore. I barely leave my apartment.
Bryan and Johnnie get me to hang out with them sometimes. I don't hate it, but I want to be left alone more and more as the days dwindle on.
We're currently all sitting at a small, new dinner place on the edge of the city. Little Christina sat beside me while the other two sat on the other side of the booth.
It almost hurts, seeing them so happy together, knowing the best time I've had with the one person I've had serious feelings for was when we were both completely drunk.
Chris was quite big for a one year old. She was sitting up, eating apple sauce, not needing any help what so ever.
Me and Johnnie both ordered the veggie burger. He had eaten most of his by the time I had finally got around to starting mine.
It's not that's I'm not hungry. Quite the contrary actually, I just don't feel like eat.
Whether or not they noticed, is unknown. They never brought it up.
After a few bites, the familiar nauseating feeling set in and I had to stop.
"What's wrong man?" Johnnie asked when I put my burger down.
I made myself smile and laugh it off.
"Nothing, bro. Stomach problems is all."
It's not a lie. I'd been sick for the last few days, been blaming it on stress.
"Do you need some medicine?" Bryan asked after he swallowed his bite.
I shook my head and slowly stood up. "Nah, I just need to go to the bathroom is all. Be back in a sec."
I made my way across the restaurant to the small unisex bathroom, slipping in and walking to the first stall.
Kneeling on the floor, I allowed my stomach to empty itself into the porcelain bowl.
I leaned against the wall, giving myself a second to rest before a hand touched my back.
I nearly jumped out of my skin until I turned around, finding Johnnie crouching beside me.
"How long has this been going on, Kyle?" He asked rubbing my back with one hand, reaching out to flush the toilet with the other.
I shrugged, leaning back against his chest. "A couple days. Maybe a week. I don't know honestly."
He hummed to himself for a bit before pulling back to face me.
"Have you had sex?" He asked, looking directly into my eyes.
Blushing red, I looked down at my knees.
Still refusing to look at him, I mumbled, "Once, but I don't remember when. The days are kinda jumbled together from the last few weeks."
He nodded slowly, standing up. "Do you remember who it was with?"
He helped me stand and opened the stall door for us.
Looking back down, I whispered low enough, I barely hear myself, "Andy."
He nodded again, taking my hand as he led me to the sink and wiped my mouth off.
He smiled at me taking my hand once again in mine and led me out of the restroom.
"Come on, Christy is probably wondering where we are."
We walked back to our booth and sat down. Bryan had finished his food and most of Johnnie's fries which earned him a slap to the back of the head.
He got up, allowing Johnnie to slid back to his original seat.
After I sat down and started eating my fries, Johnnie pulled on Bryan's shoulder, whispering something into his ear.
They both had a concerned look but let it slip as their daughter started making grabby hands for them.
Laughing, I picked her up and walked over to Bryan, passing her off before slipping back into place.
Johnnie took a deep breath before looking away from his child and staring me in the eyes.
"I'm going to be blunt here Kyle," he started, messing with his hair, "I think you're pregnant."
I wanted to laugh at his idea but his face was too serious to be joking.
"Shit," I murmured, not paying mind to little Chris across the table.
I quickly grabbed my head as it shook vigorously, trying to not think of that possibility.
My breathing came quick as I thought about what that would mean.
The baby would be from the one person I like and haven't spoken to in weeks. The person who regretted having sex with me in the first place. The person that would probably now want nothing to do with me.
Shit. What would Andy think? What would my mother do when she found out? Would I even be able to take care of it? What if I'm able to raise it? Don't say that, we could find a way. But what if I'm actually not pregnant and have some really bad disease?
My thoughts stopped when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I looked over and saw Johnnie leaning over me. Bryan was standing beside him holding a panicked Chris back.
My breathing slowly returned to normal as I saw her freaking out over me.
Rubbing at my eyes, I held an arm out for her to run into. I held her into my chest as she gripped my shirt tightly.
Johnnie finally let go and stepped back.
"If you want, I can set up an appointment with my doctor to see if you are or not," he said, fixing my hair.
I looked around at the few people looking at us. Slowly, I shook my head.
"If I'm not, I don't want to be a bother. If I don't stop puking by next week, I promise I'll go." I looked down at the little girl in my arms and forced a smile for her.
Johnnie nodded and picked Chris up before helping me stand.
He passed his daughter to Bryan and picked up the basket where most of my burger still sat. After wrapping it in the paper, he passed it to me.
"I'll check in next week. If you're not better, I will personally drag you to the hospital, understood?"
I nodded and grabbed the burger, deciding that mother hen Johnnie was not something to toy with.

/Ah, the beginning of emotions I know quite well. I realize this could have ended better but didn't. So yeah, if you missed the first chapter, THIS IS A MPREG. DON'T LIKE DON'T READ THANK YOU. That's all for now. See ya and enjoy the story. Love you all.\

Eyes on the Prize (Andy B x Kyle H) boyxboyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora