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How long's it been....

wait two months I swear I updated like last week welp ;-;

I'm really sorry for the wait, a lot of things have been happening lately and so I haven't had that much time to write.

Anyways, I dedicate this chapter to Cryptic_Eyes . (FINALLY FIGURED OUT HOW TO DO IT LOL) I know it's been a while since we talked and I've been away forever and I'm trying to catch up on all the new stories you've released. Don't worry you'll see lots of new comments soon! (I hope) I just wanted to say thank you because you've been one of my inspirations and without you and your wonderful stories I wouldn't have made it so far.


Chapter 4

As Gray stepped onto the terrace of the castle, he didn't expect it to be raining. In fact, he was quite sure it wasn't raining five minutes ago. As he looked at the sky, he realized that only the small area above the terrace was filled with dark clouds, and the rest was clear skies.

He furrowed his eyebrows, debating how that was possible. As he thought more, he seemed to recall something about the Element 4 and rain, but he couldn't seem to put his finger on it. Either way, if an Element 4 was here, that was good. They needed to defeat them in order to achieve victory.

"I thought no one would think to come up here."

A cold voice rung through the air, a woman dressed in a blue suit seemed to just walk out of the rain. Her face was completely free of any expressions, aside from her eyes. They seemed piercing, like a dark storm cloud. She held a pink, flowery umbrella, completely different from the rest of her outfit and demeanour.

"It's good that you did, though, I was starting to get bored." She continued, walking towards him with no aggressive behavior whatsoever.

As Gray's mind processed her presence, something clicked in his mind, "Juvia, the Rain Woman, right?"

She looked at him, but her expressionless face didn't show any hint of surprise or anything to know it had affected her, "You know me." She walked past him, towards the edge of the terrace and looked over at the battle raging below.

Gray sighed - this woman seriously didn't look like she was going to fight. Though he hated to use such cheap tactics, it seemed there was no other way. Maybe he could finish her off quickly and painlessly and he wouldn't feel as guilty.

"Ice-Make: Lance!" He chanted, his hands automatically going to their position - right fist over his left hand's open palm. Sharp blades of ice flew towards the woman standing in front of him, but much to his shock, the ice just seemed to go through her, and her body merely rippled like he had thrown stones into a lake.

She turned, her expression the same as before, "You're just like the rest."

Her voice, previously monotone, held coldness and a harsh feel that made Gray almost shudder. Her body morphed into water, and a faint outline of her body dashed towards him at an incredible speed, and Gray was almost not able to follow. He barely managed to get out of the way in time, but she wasn't allowing him time to recover.

"Water Slicer!" Her magic whipped through the air towards him, once again just barely missing Gray. It went behind him, knocking down part of the wall. Gray knew this was a powerful opponent that he angered, but at least this way she was fighting and he didn't feel bad.

She charged at Gray again, and this time instead of trying to dodge her water body, he decided to freeze it. However, before he could even get his hands in position, she had already charged straight through him. The water had been boiling, and he felt his body burn from the attack. She didn't give him any time to recover, and seemed to notice the boiling water had damaged him. She sent an array of hot water his way, but Gray was able to get in position to freeze the water and send her attack back at her. She easily dodged, but seemed shocked that he had been able to freeze boiling water.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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