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Hey, minna!

This book is an amazing idea I had and I've had preparations and such going on for a while now. I'm working hard on this book, and I hope you all like it!

Dedication goes to Darksummoner98 :3

Chapter 1

Mages of all classes and sorts were gathered in the Warriors' Hall, waiting for the princess to make her appearance.

The walls were made of white stone with intricate designs embedded in the smooth surface. The ceiling was higher than regular, but not much more than a normal one-story roof. The ceiling was made of the same material as the walls, but the floor was entirely black tiling, giving the room a cool contrasting look. In the middle of the long room, was large glass table, around which many different mages were seated comfortably in the stylish chairs.

"So, Natsu," A young, blonde girl was saying to a pink haired man, "What do you think this meeting's about? Maybe we're going to attack another Kingdom or something."

"Eh, I don't know," The man - Natsu - replied. He adjusted his badge, signifying he was a Captain, the third-highest rank in the army, "I'm too lazy to think. I didn't get enough sleep last night."

The blonde knew better than to question him, so she simply laughed, leaning back in her chair and getting comfortable. There were still around five minutes left until the meeting formally started, but almost everyone had already arrived.

"Hey, Lucy, could you pass me the sauce?" Natsu asked, noisily munching the food that was placed in front of him. The blonde Mage sighed and handed him the bottle filled with fiery red liquid, which he dumped onto his steak. No matter how good Natsu was on the battlefield, he ate like a slob and made a mess wherever he went.

And she knew that from experience.

Lucy sighed again and placed her Celestial Keys on the table, playing with them as she waited for the five minutes to slowly pass by. Even if she was one of the strongest members of Squad A, she was still only eighteen years old, and sometimes acted like a child. She was easily distracted with teen-like thoughts, like how a raven haired man was sitting shirtless in front of her, and how just yesterday, one of the lower rank warriors had confessed his love to her. Of course, she had no such feelings for him, but she had to decide how to tell him that without sounding like a spoiled, egoistic brat.

But, she could also be mature when needed, and in fact, she was more mature than most girls her age. Maybe it was her skills, or maybe it was because Mages matured faster than regular humans.

"Everyone, the Princess is coming down to begin the meeting. Please, be quiet." The maid said over everyone's chattering. Lucy sat up straight, not realizing she had been so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice the now quiet atmosphere. Another maid, a pretty, white-haired lady escorted a fair maiden into the room.

The princess took her seat at the head of the long, oak table, and asked the maids to bring her some tea. As they left, the princess began to speak, "The reason I've called you all here is because we're going to attack another Kingdom, Phantom Lord, in a week's time."

Lucy nudged Natsu and mouthed, "I thought so." Natsu just rolled his eyes and focused back on his steak. He had the attention span of a gold fish, Lucy swore. As the princess began to explain the details, everyone listened to her respectfully.

She brushed her long scarlet hair, that was currently left loose, out of her face and rolled out a map, explaining her plan in detail. Her soft, brown eyes studied the scroll, and just by looking into them, you could tell how intelligent she was. Her eyes showed her battle experience - she was a brilliant warrior and an excellent magic-user; but they also showed her kind and warm heart.

Fairy Tail: Prisoners [A JeRza FanFiction]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن