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I THINK I FORGOT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED SO UH. WHOOPS. It's been a while... don't blame me. Okay, actually, it is my fault but shhh... no one has to know.

Dedication goes to crymson_lotus because after reading their comment I realized that it would probably be a good idea to sit down and write this story.

So much freaking research done for this chapter... I actually re-watched an episode of Fairy Tail for this. Anyway...


ღ Chapter 3 ღ

The army of Fairy Tail had made it's way to the half-way point between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord, and was now taking an hour rest. The soldiers were sitting and eating food in groups, laughing and talking as if a war wasn't about to start the next day. The atmosphere was less joyful then usual, because everyone knew that in wars lives would be lost.

Erza had just finished eating, and was watching her soldiers socialize with one another. She spotted some people she immediately recognized, like Natsu Dragneel, making a mess around him, Gray Fullbuster, stripping, Lucy Heartifilia, sitting quietly and ignoring everything like she was used to it, and many others caught in the middle of the chaos.

Erza wasn't feeling as calm and collected, or carefree, as the rest of her soldiers. There was a nagging feeling at the back of her head, telling her something was off - an ominous feeling constantly poking at her and saying something was about to go terribly wrong.

And that scared her.

She trusted her instinct, it had kept her alive for years, on the battlefield and even in her own kingdom. She only went through with a plan if her gut told her too, and it usually worked out. The attack on Phantom Lord seemed like a good idea at first, but now Erza was doubting it. She was tempted to simply call off the attack, but now that they were this far, and all logistics told her it was a good idea, so putting of this battle would be a waste of time. They would have to take down Phantom Lord sooner or later, because she knew no other kingdom would challenge them.

"Erza-san!" She heard a familiar voice call her name. Looking up, Erza saw Mirajane walk towards her, "The scouts and I just came back. There are no where near as many guards outside as we anticipated. We should be able to break in easy, but it might be a trap to lure the enemy into their territory."

Erza stood up, sighing heavily. Her mind raced with possibilities, she had to be prepared for anything. "We don't have to change the plan as much. Squad A was the distraction - we can have Squad B support them. We'll let Phantom Lord think that our army is only that big. Once we see an oppurtunity, Squard C will capture the towns, and Squad D can head for the castle. The King is our goal, if he is dead or in our custody, we win the war. Checkmate."

"Right. I'll go update everyone on the battle plan, if that's okay?"

Erza nodded her approval, and Mirajane stood on top of the nearby supply cart, and began the announcement. As soon as she was done, everyone began getting ready to go once again. A team of six members were setting up camp closer to Phantom Lord, where they would retreat to as the days passed.

Fairy Tail: Prisoners [A JeRza FanFiction]Where stories live. Discover now