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Travis sighed when he put the paper he had been reading down. It was terrible to say the least. The writing was off, the assignment was failed and the papers ever were littered with chip stains. Disgusting.

Usually Travis loved his job as a literature professor but spoiled brats like Joe Alwyn , that only got into this school and took places from the talented people that deserved them, just because their families were loaded made him sick.

It wasn't necessarily cause they weren't good writers, that was something not everyone could achieve he was aware of that but the bullshit Joe handed in only showed his lack of respect and even effort he had for this class.

For all Travis knew Joe was trying to become an actor and it was just tradition in his family to visit Harvard , if someone failed their courses, money was the answer, but Travis was famously knowing for not taking any bribes and reporting such acts to the principles immediately.

Joe would fail and he had already made a mental note to see him again in the next year. He moved onto the next paper as a knock echoed through his office. He out down the paper and leant back in his chair "come in" his low voice boomed through the office.

The door was pushed open and in walked the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. She had to be in her early twenties, could have been a student of his but he would have remembered that face. She had silky long blonde hair with bangs, blue eyes and a 'heart shaped face. She seemingly endless long legs were in high heels that only accentuated them. The tiny skirt she wore covered just enough to not be called skimpy and her tight shirt showed off her slim waist and the swell of her breasts.

She was stunning, sexy even and her eyes shonewith determination. She was hot as fuck.

 "Are you Professor Kelce?

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