12- double agent

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It had been four months ever since Travis had proposed to Taylor. Everything went back to normal. Travis worked 5 days a week in his courses, seeing Joe during his basic one and spent the weekend correcting and grading papers.

Today was just like that, a Saturday he spent buried In work. He had sat at his desk for hours reading over papers, crossing things out adding and subtracting points and giving grades he knew would and could change lives. His phone stayed mostly silent and he knew what it meant. She was with him again, she was with Joe.

Joe had been more than hostile towards him ever since the weekend but he also knew Joe couldn't say shit because he had been the one that had proposed the deal. He had been the one that wanted to sell off his girlfriend for a better grade and yet he was nursing his hurt ego.

he had even asked taylor a few times to go back to Travis and find out what his grade was gonna be for his graduation in a month but Taylor had always refused, saying she loved him too much for that which satisfied him aswell. 

This weekend he would go to a party again but also before that had a meeting with his older brother, his sister in law and of course Taylor.

She had always gotten along with them and he knew it made him look good she was with him. He didn't intend to stay with her forever. He knew once he graduated and got a job he would get a younger prettier woman he could form just like he wanted.

But Taylor was a good replacement until then, a place holder if you will. And today he could show her off again. Taylor had come in for the third time since new York now and Joe had also very different plans for her once they were at the party.

She hadn't slept with him in weeks and he knew what he had said in New York was partially the reason for that. Since then she had been very affectionate with him, they had even had phone sex a few times but nothing more yet, though he knew if he just gave her enough drinks at the party and slipped her a few wine glasses during dinner .

They met up at around 4 and the conversation was as always polite but barely friendly. "so are you and Taylor planning on getting married soon?" Jen, his sister in Law had asked and Joe almost spilled the wine he had sipped all over Taylors dress.

"oh no we-we are waiting until we finish college and even after there's still a lot of time ha-ha, no one wants to feel pressure right honey?"

Taylor had just nodded and stayed quieter and later when he told her he wanted to go to the party she had declined. She had a migraine the whole day and just arrived in Boston so she wasn't in the mood and so that evening Joe went alone to the party getting shitfaced drunk while his loving supportive girlfriend stayed home. Or so he thought.

Taylor has driven off to university 20 minutes after Joe had left and walked down the hallway she had gotten to know so well the past year.

She knocked on the heavy wooden door and when she heard a "come in" she pushed it open, keeping a straight face until the door was shut behind her before breaking out into a wide grin running and jumping into Travis arms.

He had stood up and spread his arms wide for her, twirling her around in his arms , mumbling into her blonde hair. "god I missed you babygirl" which she immediately reciprocated and hugged him tight. God how she had missed this man.

He was her everything , her rock, the love of her life and she knew as long as she had him she would be completely okay.

When they pulled away Travis immediately pulled her into a deep kiss, tightening his grip on her small waist. She kissed back and smiled against his lips, her hand holding his cheek gently , stroking through the beard.

When they finally pulled apart Travis smiled and pulled Taylor with him, sitting her down in his lap, stroking her cheek adoringly before he reached over into one of his drawers and pulled out a little velvet boy taking the ring out of it and gently slipping it onto Taylor finger.

"I know you can't wear it around Joe or his friend or family but.. every one else will know you're mine and you are taken and if they even try to make a move of you I will personally come to haunt them."

Taylor giggle and gave him a loving deep kiss. He treated her so well and had been so incredibly sweet to her, she didn't even know how she could ever have mistaken Joes actions towards her with admiration let alone love.

With Travis she was loved, she was taken care o and she felt confident in herself again. He had shown her what it looked like to love herself and make her feel so important.

Her eyes landed on the ring he had put on her finger while a fond smile formed on her lips. The ring was beautiful and just from his personal style and his ow choice of jewelry she could tell that he must have picked it himself.

It was golden with a set of simple diamonds and was adorned in the middle with a red ruby that matched the shade of her beloved lipstick amazingly.

"it's beautiful , thank you so much" she smiled and stroked through his short hair while holding her hand up to show him how perfectly the ring fit her delicate hand.

"I know it can't compare to the way your beauty lights up a room and can shock every one who just get's to be in its present but I thought it would at least tell all the motherfuckers that are so stupid they think they could have a chance with you that they shouldn't even bother trying cause they cant even start to spoil you like I will"

Taylor chuckled an blushed shaking her head at him again pecking his lips softly. Travis kissed back before grabbing some water to hand to her. He poured it into a fresh glass and set it down in front of her before kissing her cheek.

"you know what the doctor has aid about hydration. You need to drink more or it will be unhealthy for you" he said gently rubbing her cheek and he grinned when he saw her little eyeroll. "I'm not thirsty, except maybe for you."

Now she wiggled her brows and squeaked when she felt Travis hand wrap around her throat. It wasn't enough to hurt her but enough to turn her on. "I said drink. Don't start disobeying until you're able to deal with the consequences "

"but that's unfair that'll take like half a year!" she protested while Travis hand dropped from her neck to her swollen stomach, gently stroking it. Taylor pouted but obeyed sipping the water earning herself a "good girl", which made her grin again.

"thank you for looking after us" she whispered cupping his face and smiling, so incredibly in love with him.

"anything for my daughter and my wife"

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