6- from baby to daddy

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please remember to vote and comment my lovesss xoxoxoxo

Taylor pretended to be half asleep when Joe got up to open the door for Travis. "are you sure she won't notice?" Travis asked arching his brow at Joe , who just nodded eagerly "Don't worry she had like 10 glasses of whine and i sliped some drops into if it yk what i mean so if she wakes up she'll be high out of her mind and wont even be able to telll the difference. OH but dude please use a gummy or something , no one needs mini hers" he joked, making Travis blood boil but he just nodded and went in while Joe slipped out of the room patting his shoulder.

As soon as the door closed Taylor sat up and burst out into laughter , almost rolling off of the mattress. God he was so damn clueless. Travis walkd over to her and gently cupped her face, making her look at him. "you didnt drink any of his shit right?" she shook her head biting her lip. "told the barkeeper i was pregnant and still hiding it , all i had tonight was loads of grape juice." atta girl. Travis just chuckled and started to strip.

Immediately Taylor was still and completely attentive, watching with fire and lust in her eyes as he shed the layers of his outfit, revealing one after another his trained  tattoed chest, chiseled abs prominent v muscle, thick , well trained thighs and lastly his huge cock, already glistening from precum and hard as a rock.

He strawled over to Taylor like a panther while she slowly started to undo her silk rope, revealing everything she had to him. She laid completely naked in the silky hotel sheets, her hair sprawled around her, her nipples hard like little diamonds, just begging for Travis touch and tongue, her legs lightly spread, just enough to give the man a good preview of her cunt.

He groaned and basically pounced at her , sealing her sweet lips with his, grabbing her waist in the tight grip she just loved to feel around her. His hands were so big and made her feel so petite and tiny. She was his sexy baby and not the monster on the hill when she was with him.

She could already feel him press against her entrance and with just a slight shift of her hips and pelvis she managed to slip him inside. Both of them groaned as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. God he wanted to stay like this, inside of her tight, wet cunt forever.

While their lips met and fought for dominance their hips thrusted into each other and their bodies fell into the most intimate dance of lovers. She felt him so deep inside of her it was almost too much and she knew he was about to cum and so was she.

"i-i'm off of birth control" she whispered almost inaudible. Travis stilled looking down at her a wide grin spreading on his lips. "really?" 

she nodded  biting her lip a bit nervously. "i wanna be yours Travis, i want you to knock me up, i wanna carry your children, i wanna belong to you" she whispered as she started to rock against him making him groan. 

"fuck , youre mine, you belong to me and once we get you pregnant everyone will know." their lips met eagerly. Taylor angled her legs an thrust up into him , feeling him shudder on top of her and shoot his cum deep inside of her , moaning her name while he did. 

Taylor smirked widely. She had planned this on long hand when she flipped them and started to ride his cock again, feeling him stir back to life before she moaned, perhaps a bit too loud  but that was just what she had wanted. afterall she wanted every one of their neighbors to know this was the best sex of her life. 

"oh my god Joe how'd you get so big?! oH Fuck Babyboy" she moaned loudly while she shifted back and forth speeding up. she knew he was listening and wanted to get him back. for sellling her off, for slipping things in her drink, for treating her like he had all those past months. 

Travis first stilled all movement when she moaned her boyfriends names before catching on. Joe was currently in the room right next door and probably heard most of it. so he leant up and wrapped his lips around her stiff peaks, moaning around her soft skin , handling her clit and other breast while she bounced on his dick.

"Oh Baby you're so good at that I might have to call you daddy" she moaned pulling him closer while his thrusts met hers. He growled as she hit the same side of him that went feral when she called him sir so he flipped them over again and turned her over ,burying her face in the soft silky pillows and pulling her hips up till she was on her knees before he pushed back into he making her moan and scream in pleasure.

He bent her forward and spanked her ass harshly, making her yelp and moan, while also clenching around him. "I'm gonna cum baby" he moaned not able to help himself while he fell forward, bracing himself with one hand and using the other to play with her throbbing clit.

She screamed out "oh daddy fill me up, please!" before they both toppled over the edge hard.

By the end of the night just before sunrise they laid in each other's arms holding the other closely. "god I don't want this to end, I want you to be able to stay and cuddle with me and just stay in bed with you all day" she whispered ,nuzzling into Travis arms.

He held her close and yet gently, it made her feel so incredibly safe and content, it was amazing. "me too baby, I hate the thought of leaving you here with that asshole again" he sighed stroking her gorgeous blonde curls. god how he loved her natural hair. he couldnt help but think about how cute they would be on a baby. 

He took a deep breath and sat up, pulling her up to look him in the eyes. "look Taylor, I need to tell you something" he said and he said it with such tenderness in his eyes , it felt like not a single spoken word was necessary. But before he could start his love confession to her they were interrupted cause Joe was back.

When Joe and Taylor went down to breakfast, most of his classmates started applauding as the lust screams Taylor had let ring through the hotel last night had been far from quiet. And only Travis, Joe and her were the ones that knew Joe hadn't had a single things to do with him.

Taylor even put on a show the best she could by walking funnily , constantly purring into Joes ear, telling him how sore she was from last night , how she had no idea men could grow this much in size and how bad she needed him again tonight. To her this was hilarious.

Travis smirked watching the both of them. Tho Joe had interrupted his plans to make Taylors his this morning he quiet loved how visibly thinner Joes patience grew, the fonder Taylor spoke of last night.

He would have to ask her tonigh then, since the deal was for him to spend the whole weekend with the woman he loved. because this was what he hd wanted to tell her. Travis had fallen head over heels for something that was just supposed to be a nice hook up to embarrass that brat.

"now who can tell me where we are going today?" Travis asked when his students, alongside Taylor , who was looking forbiddenly sexy and who's neck was covered in hickeys, stood inside the bus to take them there.

"New york contemporary literature and poet museum" Joe said, without lifting his hand or anything. Travis wanted to roll his eyes but only smirked, using his inside knowlede.

"thats right, good boy" 

"excuse me?" Joe chocked while everyone else, including Taylor tried not to burst out in laughter.

"or should i call you daddy after las night and this morning?"

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