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Joes graduation was only a month away now. Which meat Taylor was now 6 months pregnant with Travis baby and god he couldn't keep his hands to himself. Whenever he saw Taylor he was just all over her, his hands on her bump mostly, sneaking an occasional squeeze of her swollen breasts.

Taylor luckily managed to hide her growing stomach in baggy clothing most of the time, even tho she would love to do nothing more than just show it off. She wasn't ashamed of her pregnancy, on the contrary she was very proud of it but they had spent too much time investing into their revenge to just give up now.

Today was the day she was going to see her mother again for the first time in month and she was going to tell her about the baby as well. Travis was still in Boston since the finals had started a week ago and he was prepping his students the best he could but he had told her to call him immediately if anything was wrong or didn't go as planned.

Taylor loved how protective he was, how much he cared for her and for their daughter that would soon get to see the light of day. The blonde was extremely nervous when she rang the doorbell to the red door of the humble little house she had grown up in, fiddling with her ring.

She hadn't told her mom anything about Travis yet and she had no idea how she would react. The door was pushed open and a delighted squeal rang through the air when the two women saw each other again.

Taylor was immediately swept up into a warm hug which she reciprocated trying to turn her hips just enough so her mother wouldn't immediately know what's going on. "Oh god darling I missed you so incredibly much, come on in, come in you must be exhausted!"

Taylor smiled and followed her mother inside, setting down her bag and following her into the kitchen where Andre had started cooking tea for her. She smiled at the familiar smell that immediately soothed her morning sickness.

"So honey what brings you here in the middle of the year? You don't have trouble in school, do you?" Andrea asked but she had a knowing grin on her lips. Of course she had noticed the ring on Taylors left ring finger and even tho she had never liked the English man or ell more like London Boy she could see how Taylor glowed.

In all honesty she had thought the both of them would break up by the start of the semester but apparently Joe had finally stepped up and done the right thing after such a long time together.

"actually I have to tell you something, but you might wanna sit" Taylor said nervously biting her lip.

Andrea almost laughed out loud. Her daughter had always had a thing for drama but she humored her and sat down with her mug on the couch while Taylor sat down next to her.

"okay so uhm first of all I want you to know that I'm really happy mom, and I know I want this, no one is forcing me, we are really in love and-" Andrea interrupted her daughter chuckling.

"honey it's okay you and Joe are engaged , I saw the ring already. And even tho he wouldn't have been my first choice but If he makes you ha-"

"mom it's not Joe" Taylor said fastly , even more nervous now.

Andrea took a moment to react before her eyes widened. "Ohhhhh.. That's okay too honey, the pastor has told us all about that kind of relationship and Blake is a lovely girl I just yk I always hoped I would have grand babies but yk we can save up for ivf and adoption and-"
If she hadn't been so nervous Taylor would have loved about this but she had to tell her mom before she would come up with even wider theories.

"mom, me and Blake are just friends. It's .. you don't know him actually. His name is Travis he is a professor at Harvard , he is the Love of my life and we-we got married 4 months ago"

Now her mother was flabbergasted. She had been prepared for many things but her daughter not just engaged but MARRIED to a man she hadn't even met was a bit much.

"ma I promise he's a good guy, he treats me so well he's been the most supportive person ever and-"

"and that's why he didn't even bother to show up after marrying my daughter without even asking for your hand or introducing himself to me and your father. How would you even meet a professor at Harvard? Id he take advantage of you? Is that it? he might be and axe murderer Taylor, god how can you be this stupid! And what even happened with Joe"

Andrea only managed to calm down when she saw the tears starting to roll down Taylors cheeks. She reached out and took a tissue gently whipping her daughters cheeks. "I'm just trying to look out for you honey, I don't know this person and you're married to him"

Taylor sniffed and nodded, rubbing over her own, now mascara smeared eyes. "It's okay mom , I thought you'd react something like that, which is also why I asked Travis not to come, I wanted to talk with you first."

Slowly Andrea nodded "okay then tell me about you two and why I suddenly have a son in law"

And that Taylor did. She told her mom about everything , well a slightly romanticized and way less sexual version of everything but enough details so Andrea could understand how amazing Travis had been with her, how much he cared and how little Joe did.

She had told her about how Joe had asked her to flirt with Travis to push his grades, how Travis had been so charming she had started to meet with him behind Joes back and how he had immediately gotten along with her friends, so effortlessly.

She told her mother about new York and how Joe had made his comments about Travis ex and Trais had taken Taylor out to shopping and dinner and held her at night when Joe had offered Travis to drug and do whatever he wanted to Taylor. And she told her about the proposal, so unexpected and yet so perfect.

"and there's something else mom"


Travis day had been long and stressful. Between dealing with Joe and let's be honest about 10 alternate versions of Joes he had also been checking in on Taylor every now and then but he hadn't gotten any updates yet.

When he was in the middle of class his phone vibrated and with a muttered apology he grabbed it , answering the call immediately when he saw his Wifey's name pop up on the screen.

"hey love , how is it going? Listen I'm in class right now can I-"

But he was interrupted by the most heart shattering sentence he would ever hear in his life.

"T-Travis I-I'm loosing the baby" 

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