16. Your mine ♥️

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Frist go and complete previous chapter vote Target 🎯, next time I wont give update if you don't vote and comment.

Let's get into the story.

So Yoongi is giving silent treatment to jimin after he made kill the person by Yoongi hands.

(A/n : I also wanna give my readers silent treatment, for not voting and commenting)

Jimin pov

The silence in the dining room was a suffocating blanket. It wasn't the kind of silence I could ignore, not after what happened this morning.

Yoongi sat across from me, rigid and unyielding, his gaze fixed on the untouched food in front of him.

The air in the dining room was thick with tension, a palpable silence that pressed down on me like a physical weight.

His usual warmth was gone, replaced by a chilling stillness that sent shivers down my spine.his gaze fixed on the untouched food in front of him

Each moment that passed felt like an eternity. I watched him, my heart pounding against my ribs, fear gnawing at my insides. I knew I had pushed him too far, forced him to do something that would forever haunt him, but I couldn't bring myself to apologize. Not yet.

Jimin : Yoongi,'

I whispered, my voice barely audible over the deafening silence.

Jimin : 'You're not going to eat?'

His gaze remained fixed on his plate, untouched. The gleaming narrow eyes are felt like a mocking reminder of the violence he had been forced to do .

I reached out, my hand hovering over his, hesitant, pleading.

Jimin : 'Please,'

I begged, my voice laced with desperation.

Jimin : 'I know you're angry, but I had to do it. It was for our the best, he cheating me from 3 month's.

His jaw tightened, but he didn't turn his head

Yoongi: 'For the best?'

he finally spat out, his voice devoid of emotion.

Yoongi: 'You think forcing me to kill someone is for the best? What did he ever do to you?'

My stomach twisted with guilt. I knew I had gone too far.

Jimin: 'I know it was wrong killed him by ur hands,

I admitted, my eyes pleading.

Jimin : 'But you have to understand, he was a threat. He deserved what he got.'

Yoongi: Deserved?'

Yoongi scoffed, his eyes finally meeting mine. The cold fury in his gaze made me flinch.

Yoongi : 'You're the one who deserved punishment. You're the one who deserves it for caging me like this.

The words were a dagger to my heart, shattering the flimsy facade of justification I had built around my actions. I had crossed a line, and I was beginning to realize the true extent of the damage I had done.

Yoongi just blurted out,

Yoongi: 'I need some fresh air. Don't follow me,'

before heading upstairs. I watched him go, that gruff tone a little colder than usual. He paused near the balcony railing, looking out at the city lights. I wanted to go after him, ask if he was okay, but I knew better. Yoongi needed his space, his silence. I stayed put, hoping he'd be back soon.

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