1. step siblings

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The sun bursts through the window, its warm rays illuminating the room with a soft golden glow. The sky outside is a brilliant blue, with just a few wispy clouds drifting lazily across it. The air is crisp and fresh, filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the distant chirping of birds.

I just woke up from my sleep, the day is more bright than usual indicating a new start of my life.
Last night was the best night of my life, i turned nineteen and something which I desired from a very long time is finally going to become mine.
SAMARTH SINGHAL, My step brother
After getting ready for college, I descends the stairs, the warm kitchen lights and aroma of freshly brewed coffee and toasted bread envelop me. I took a deep breath, feeling tranquility settle around myself, and gazes upon the perfectly set table - a steaming cup of coffee, crispy croissant, and fresh fruit. With a quiet smile, I sat down at my designated place across the table.

I saw my mother serving my uncle, which is her husband. I don't call him father/dad as my biological father died a long time ago and even uncle doesn't have any objection to it, it's just sometimes my mother is a little noisy about it.
My uncle Rajeev Singhal, who is one of the most established industrial, running numerous of companies under his grand empire called "THE SINGHAL'S". He married my mother when I was four year old after my father died in an accident. Rajeev uncle is a very respectful person and worship the path my mother walks on.
RAJEEV: ( joy) "Welcome dear, have breakfast with us."

I thanked him and starts to prepare my plate. when he, my so called step brother enters the drawing room and grab his seat beside me.

He, Samarth Singhal the sole definition of perfection, the only heir of uncle empire with dark hairs, black almond eyes, sculpted face, a tall and huge frame like a Greek god. He is one of the most arrogant, egoistic and not-gonna-lie handsome person in the world, he usually looks down on people from his long and slender nose like they are some peasant and he is his lordship.
But after sometimes he will belongs to me, only me.
Samarth: ( gruffly ) "You're still here."

Amayra: ( calmly ) "Good morning. Yes, I am."

Samarth: ( sneering ) "I can't believe I'm stuck in the same house as you."

Amayra: ( sipping her coffee ) "I feel the same way about you."

Samarth: ( mocking ) "Oh, I'm sure you do. You're so perfect, aren't you?"

Amrita: (my mother) " stop it both of you, can't we sit in silence for once and eat our breakfast peacefully. "
We apologised in unison and starts to eat our breakfast quietly, Occasionally I found him glancing or more like glaring at my direction.

Samarth:( whispering) "little witch."
I moved in his direction and whispered in his ears.
Amayra: " I heard that."
He gritted his teeth but didn't said anything.
In college

I am attending my sculpturing class, making a random statue.I was indulged into my work, when someone nudged me, Nancy tyagi who is my bestfriend by chance

Nancy: (curious) "Hey amu, how's it going with your step-brother, Samarth? Huh!? Any progress on the feelings front?"

I sat in front of her giving her all my attention. She loves talking about my love interest, don't worry it's just she belongs to bookstagram and a sucker for love stories.

Amayra: "Nah! , it's even worse than that. He straight up hates me, Nan . Like, he can't even stand to be in the same room as me."

Nancy: ( disappointed) "What?! That's awful! What did you even did to deserve that kind of treatment?"

Amayra : "Nothing! That's not the worst part. I've tried to talk to him, to figure out what's going on, but he just shuts me down or ignores me completely."

Nancy: " you know what, love. You should try move on from that asshole. He is well known for his egoistic and arrogance and more over he is your step brother."

I just hummed at her statement, This situation is too deep now to take a u turn back and it's not like She understands what i feeling for himbwhich is more than love or any other statement.
If loving him means letting go of him so he could live his life with someone else then, I don't consider myself in love with him.
It's Just too much more than that,my love, my obsession with him knows no boundaries.
Samarth:(sneezing) " Is someone speaking of me"
At Night

I headed towards kitchen to grab some midnight snacks to work on my assignment at my art studio, my step halted when I saw him the one whom I adore and despise and the same time.
He was standing by the counter having a glass of water in left hand and talking to his so called girlfriend on phone (Yes he has one, nonetheless she is attention whore and a gold digger, BITCH.)
Out eyes meet and I felt something inside my stomach.

After noticing me, he hung upon the call and walked towards me looking absolutely pissed.

Samarth: "What!?"

Amayra: "You're so blind to her true nature. She's manipulating you, using you for her own gain."

Samarth: "what made you think I give a fuck about your opinion."

Amayra: " I've seen the way she treats you, like you're her personal possession. She doesn't care about your feelings or needs, only her own."

Samarth: "It ain't true! "

Amayra: "Not true!?, I've seen her belittle you in front of others, make fun of your interests and hobbies. She's not the person you think she is."

Samarth: "Just shut up! You're just jealous because you don't have a boyfriend like I do."

Amayra: "Jealous? Of her? Ha! I'm trying to show you the truth, but you're too blinded by love to see it. Fine, don't believe me. But mark my words, she'll hurt you in the end."

Samarth: " You know what getting your small nose in everybody business is so middle class, no wonder you can not fit in here"

He stormed out of the kitchen, shattering my heart into million of piece. "He surely need to know whom he belongs to."
I rushed towards my room, starting to find something in my drawer and there it is, a beautiful white pendant which have been bathed by his blood.

~ to be continued

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