7. hypnosis

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"I've got a reputation for getting what I want, no matter the cost. My father taught me well - I'm a master of my own destiny. I've built a life that's a testament to my strength and ambition. The darkness within me is a reminder of where I come from, and I won't let it define me.

I've got my sights set on the top, and I won't settle for anything less. I'll crush anyone who gets in my way, not because I'm cruel, but because I'm unstoppable. My father's legacy lives on through me, and I'll make sure it's remembered for generations to come.

I'm a force of nature, unapologetic and unyielding. I am Amayra, and I will not be ignored.

Uh!! Well, "Samarth... my Samarth. My step-brother, my love, my obsession. I was 4 when we first met, and he was 8. I remember being drawn to him like a magnet, but he barely acknowledged my existence. I'd try to play with him, talk to him, but he'd ignore me. That only made me more determined to get his attention.

As I grew older, my fascination with Samarth turned into an all-consuming passion. I'd do anything to get him to notice me, to love me. But he'd barely glance my way. That's when I turned to the dark arts, using my father's teachings to cast spells and incantations to make Samarth mine.

I can't help myself. I'm addicted to the way he looks at me, the way he makes me feel. Samarth is mine, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep him by my side." That's what I did on my nineteenth birthday

On my 19th birthday( flashback)

"I stood alone in the sea of strangers, feeling like a pawn in my uncle 's game of power and prestige. The lawn was filled with people from his business empire, their faces familiar only from the photos he showed me. I didn't know any of them, and they didn't know me. But they all seemed to know my father, and they all seemed to be watching me.

The music was loud, the lights were bright, and the cake was a towering masterpiece. But I felt suffocated by the extravagance of it all. I longed for something genuine, something real. And then, I saw him - Samarth, my stepbrother, standing across the room, his eyes fixed on me with a mixture of hate and disgust.

It's quite funny that he hated me too much But now the tables will turn into a drastic change. I turned upto him with a glass of wine where he was standing alone enjoying his own company. I offered him the drink which he absolutely took it. "Sam you should never trust anyone blindly, specially me when it comes to you."

"I handed Samarth the drink with a smile, my heart racing with anticipation. He took a sip, unaware of the secret ingredient I had added. The drug was potent, designed to knock him out cold. And it worked. Within minutes, his eyes drooped, his legs buckled, and he collapsed into my arms.

I dragged him to his room, my mind racing with excitement and fear. I had never done anything like this before, but my obsession with Samarth had driven me to desperate measures. I locked the door behind us, my heart pounding in my chest.

As I looked down at Samarth's unconscious form, I felt a rush of power and control. I had him right where I wanted him. But as I gazed into his peaceful face, I saw a glimmer of the brother I once knew, the one who had hated me and never really cared for me.

"With the syringe trembling in my hand, I drew out Samarth's blood, the liquid crimson filling the tiny vessel. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I gazed at the blood, my mind racing with the dark magic that was about to unfold.

I hurried to my room, the syringe clutched tightly in my fist. The pendant, a family heirloom given to me by my father, lay on my dresser, its intricate design seeming to pulse with an otherworldly energy. I carefully poured the blood onto the pendant, watching as it soaked into the metal, staining it a deep red.

 I carefully poured the blood onto the pendant, watching as it soaked into the metal, staining it a deep red

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The air in the room seemed to thicken, heavy with the scent of blood and magic. I could feel the darkness within me stirring, sensing the power that was about to be unleashed. And then, I spoke the words, the incantation that would bind Samarth to me forever."


"I was lost in thought, playing with the pendant hangs on my neck , when the door creaked open and Samarth entered. He looked different, his eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint, a book clutched in his hand.

'Amayra, come see this!' he said, his voice low and mysterious. 'I found an ancient spellbook in the library. It's said to hold the secrets of hypnosis.'

My heart skipped a beat as he approached me, the book open to a page filled with strange symbols and diagrams.

'Do you want to see magic, Amayra?' he asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement. ' like Real magic?'

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I gazed at the book, my mind racing with the possibilities. Little did I know, Samarth had no idea what he was playing with. But I did. And I was ready to take it to the next level."

He took his book out and with a pendulum ask me to follow the pendulum oscillation. " Trust me, nothing in this world can be as funny as funny as samarth trying his little hypnosis tricks on me." I thought

He started chanting some mantra and ordered me to close my eyes and i obeyed his each and every order. Now he started to ask me to love him. Kinda funny!!! ( You have done the some bad shits too bitch... No wonder he calls you little witch ~ your problematic author)

Samarth's eyes locked onto mine's, his gaze intense and pleading. "Amayra, my love, I want you to love me, to own me, to possess me completely. I want to be yours, body and soul. I want to be the only one you see, the only one you need. I want your love to consume me, to burn away everything else until all that's left is you and I, forever entwined."

His voice dropped to a whisper, his words dripping with longing. "I want to be your everything, Amayra. Your sun, your moon, your stars. Your shelter, your refuge, your home. I want to be the one you run to, the one you cling to, the one you can't live without."

I nodded my head in a yes. Not able to believe that the guy standing tall in front of me, asking me or practically begging me to love him is my step brother who hated me from his guts.

" Words, love words." He demanded.

Samarth's eyes blazed with triumph and adoration as my words were hung in the air. "Yes, Samarth, I will love you, worship you, cherish you. You will be my everything, my god, my universe."

As I spoke, my voice was filled with conviction, Samarth's face lit up with joy. He reached out, his hands cradling on my face, his fingers tracing my features as if memorizing every detail.

"My love, my queen," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "You will never regret this. I promise to love you, to protect you, to worship you in return. Together, we will create a world of our own, a world where our love is the only truth that matters."

As we embraced, our lips meeting in a passionate kiss, the air around us seemed to vibrate with an otherworldly energy, as if the very fabric of reality was bending to accommodate their all-consuming love.

" Strip for me, love" suddenly samarth demanded.
(I hope you guys are okay with some 18 + stuff...
~ your problematic author)
~ to be continued

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