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Tyler's POV
Dakota parks the truck an we get out I start to walk to Ryleigh's side
"Go inside tyler" Dakota says
"I'm getting Ryleigh she's asleep"i mumble
"Alex can get her"he says
"No he can't she's not use to you two that won't end well"i say opening her door unbuckling her and lifting her up an taking her upstairs to her room an laying her down covering her up I walk over close her curtains kiss her head then walk out the door an walk downstairs an in the livingroom where Alex an Dakota are waiting I walk in they look at me
"Sit"alex says pointing to the couch
"Didn't know I was a dog"i mumble
"If I was you I'd keep my mouth shut"he says sternly
"What's the rules Tyler"he asks crossing his arms
"Uh don't break curfew make sure you know where we are as-"I say before getting cut off
"What's the rule you broke today tyler"he says firmly
"No cussing"i mumble
"And"he says for me to continue
"Respect"i grumble
"Exactly"he says
"An what did I say would happen when we got home"he asks
"Come on I've already had to say it like twice"i say kind of whiny I know childish but come on I'm bout to get my butt smacked like one anyway
"Tyler I asked you a question an I expect an answer"he says taking a step towards me
"It's embarrassing"i say
"That's the point now answer the question Tyler James"he growls
"You already know what you said I mean you said it"i sass getting tired of this
"You just added now you can answer or you can make it worse on yourself now I'm going to ask one last time what did I say was gonna happen when we got home"he growls standing directly in front of me
I look around for Dakota but he's no where in sight
"Tyler"he warns
"That I would get a spanking"i mumble looking down
"Okay are we doing it here or your room"he asks
"Here"i mumble I don't want to wake up Ryleigh
"Okay bend over the back of the couch"he says
I sigh get up an walk to the back of the couch put my forearms on the couch and bend at the waist so my butts sticking out
He walks to my left side
"Ready"he asks I just grunt
He starts laying down smacks it doesn't hurt that bad he starts smacking my thighs
The burn is building up I start to grunt an whine I shift from foot to foot
"Stand up tyler"he says patting my back
Is that it I wonder
I stand up an face him
"Drop the jeans"he says
"What"i say
"Drop the jeans tyler"he says again
"No you perv"i say backing up
"Tyler James you either do it or I will"he growls
I huff an start to unbutton my jeans an shove them down to just bellow my butt thinking he couldn't smack my thighs now I bend back over an I feel him tug on them an they flood to my ankles maybe I should start wearing tight jeans
A sharp smack brought me out of my thoughts god it hurts more now
He lays down probably twenty then starts to lecture
SMACK you do not SMACK curse at SMACK anyone an you SMACK respect people SMACK that respect SMACK you
"He didn't respect me"i grunt out trying not to cry
SMACK that doesn't SMACK matter Tyler James SMACK you respect SMACK everyone Do you SMACK understand SMACK
"Respect is earned not given"i say shoving my head into the couch because it's really starting to hurt
This attitude SMACK of yours SMACK needs to go SMACK when we tell you SMACK to do something SMACK you do it SMACK do you understand SMACK
And if I get a smart answer I will be taking these boxers down an getting a wooden spoon
"I understand"i say quietly with tears rolling down my face
"Good"he says an starts smacking again he's getting my thighs an sit spots I know it's gonna hurt to sit
"Owww okay Stop"i say kicking my leg up
"Keep your legs down"he says
He speeds up an starts smacking harder
"Oww son of a bitch"i cry
What did SMACK I just SMACK tell you SMACK
He says laying real hard smacks down
"Ahh not to cuss I'm sorry"i say bringing my head up an shifting trying to get away from him
"Last ten count them"he says with a smack
I grunt
"One"i grunt
"T-two"i stumble putting my face in the couch
"Three four!"i say throwing my head back
"Five"i say shifting
"Six Oww I'm sorry"i whine crying I know cry baby but you come get your ass smacked like this an see if you don't cry
"Tyler"he warns
"Seven"i mumble
"Eight nine"i mumble going limp
"TEN"i yell sobbing
He pulls me to stand up an brings me into a hug i don't hug him back I just stand there an try to calm down
"Your grounded for three weeks that means no car or any electronics"he says
"Okay"i mumble stepping back pulling my pants up not buttoning them letting them hang loose on my hips I walk upstairs an go into my room an put on a pair of loose sweats an go into Ryleigh's room an lay down with her an fall asleep.

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