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Tyler's POV
"You don't just cuss us out then run out for four damn hours you both know better"Dakota rambles on an on as he yells as Ryleigh an I. As of now we are seated on my bed with Dakota an Alex standing in front of us with their arms crossed go figure on that one. With Dakota rambles on an on about what we did was stupid an disrespectful.
"You don't just stay out past ten with Ryleigh tyler"he says glaring at me I clench my fist an stand up.
"I can take care of her just fine on my own I can do it better than the both of you, don't come in here telling me what's good for my little sister an what's not"I growl standing in front of him.
"Tyler sit down"I hear Alex say calmly.
I shake my head "get out"I say shortly to both of them.
"No we are handling this now"Dakota says an I shake my head again.
"We did nothing wrong now get out of my room"I growl.
"Your the children in this we are the adults"he says taking a step towards me.
"I don't give a shit what you are I'm done your not gonna come in here an fuck with our lives an then on top of that watch Ryleigh get bullied by your own damn sister I'm not dealing with it you stay to yourselves an we will stay to ourselves make everything easier an pack your shit an go to your dear ol' daddy an new step mommy"I spit the words an step back glaring at them.
"That's it"Dakota growls stepping towards me but Alex stops him an pulls him out of the room giving me one last glance an I can see the disappointment I cringe an sit by Ryleigh.
"I just want everything to go back how it was just you an me"she says softly.
"I know baby girl I do to"I sigh an stand up an we walk to her room. She changes an lays down I cover her up an kiss her head.
"If you need me come get me goodnight I love you"I say an she yawns back a I love you. I walk to my room an slip off my shirt an pull on some sleep pants over my boxers an lay down on my bed flipping the tv on. I hear a knock on my door.
"Come in"I sigh an the door opens an Alex steps in an looks at me.
"Yeah?"I ask as he just stares at me he walks over an sits down on the edge of my bed.
"Why can't you just except us an let us help you"he asks looking at me an I look him in the eye.
"I did"I say an he shakes his head.
"You fight us on everything I understand she's your sister but she needs to learn"he says an I sit up shutting the TV off.
"An she does learn she knows right from wrong an when punishment is deserved but I won't watch Jessica treat her how she does then Ryleigh get in trouble for sticking up for herself"I say looking at him an he nods.
"I understad that I truly do an that's why Jessica confessed to all she's done an she was punished an will be apologizing tomorrow"he says an I nod an look at him.
"I don't know what you want me to do you don't understand what it's like to have your mom just up an leave an leave you with two strangers"I say an shrug my shoulders. "I'm not gonna watch Ryleigh get attached to you two for you to just hurt her she's been hurt way more than I wanna admit an if I could I'd do anything to change it but I can't but I can prevent it an I will"I say looking at him sincerely.
"Tyler your right I don't understand that but I do understand wanting to protect your sister but you've got to let us help you your still a kid yourself"he says an I nod.
"An I know your agreeing right now but your still gonna do the same an Id probably do the same but we aren't here to hurt you guys were here to help you's"he say gently an I look down starting to feel bad about snapping at Dakota.
"It's just hard I was the one who took care of her I was there not mom or dad it was me"I say with tears in my eyes looking at him.
He nods an stands up an walks over an pulls me into a hug I hesitate but then hug him back.
"Dakota is still up if you want to talk to him"he says patting my back.
"I'm still in trouble ain't I"I ask looking at my hands.
"Yeah"he sighs an I nod an stand up with a sigh an walk downstairs to the office. I knock an hear a 'come in' I open the door an step in an stand there awkwardly.
"Yes Tyler"he says looking at me I look up.
"Uh Alex told me to come talk to you"I say quietly an he nods an points to the chair. I slowly walk over I don't know why I'm so nervous.
"So do you want to explain to me why you did what you did"he asks folding his hands on the desk.
"I was protecting Ryleigh"I mumble looking at his desk an not him.
"Tyler look at me an speak properly"he says firmly I mentally groan an look up at his stone cold look.
"I was protecting Ryleigh"I say louder looking at him.
"What does she need protected from Tyler"he asks I bite my lip tapping my foot.
"Everything"I say standing up.
"Where are you going"he asks an I look at him for a second.
"This talk won't get us anywhere so why waste our breath"I shrug an walk to the door an opening it.
"Running from your problems won't solve them"he says standing up I turn to look at him from the doorway.
"Can't really run from something that's living in your house"I say an his face drops an I turn an walk back upstairs.
Alex comes out of the bathroom as I walk by an stops me.
"How'd it go"he asks I shrug.
"It went" I say an walk to my room closing the door an laying down.
Why can't things go back to just us?
Back to when mom would leave on business an it was just Ryleigh an I. Why does this happen to us?
What did we do to deserve this?
What does anyone do to deserve the bad things?

The bad people get it all when the good people get nothing at all........

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