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Tyler's POV
The girls continue to glare at each other I elbow Ryleigh for her to stop but she doesn't.
"Take a picture it'll last longer"the girl sneers.
"Like I haven't heard that one before but I wouldn't want my camera broken you goblin"Ryleigh yells an I snort a small laugh an Alex glares at us both.
"Both of you stop it now"Dakota says firmly.
"Troll!" The girl tells back.
"Jessica Marie I will not tell you again"Dakota booms.
She huffs and crosses her arms.
"Now I'm not dealing with this you three will get along or you will be taking a trip over my knee do you understand me"he says to us
"Yes sir"I say as does Jessica but Ryleigh doesn't say anything an crosses her arms.
"Ryleigh" Dakota says firmly looking at her. She looks at him with defiance in her eyes. I lean down to her
"Your already in trouble so stop it while your ahead"I say to her quietly raising a brow at her.
She huffs an looks at Dakota
"Yes sir"she growls
He gives her an look then gets plates and we all sit down an start eating.
"Ryleigh why did I get a call from your teacher today"Dakota asks
"It's not something to be discussed with everyone" I say looking at him
"We will talk about it when I say we do" he says looking back at me.
" no it's personal and doesn't need to be  discussed at dinner" I growl
He gives me a stern look then continues to eat. After everyone eats an cleans us Alex an Jessica go to the living room an I stay sitting beside Ryleigh an Dakota looks at her from the other side of the island.
"Explain"he says shortly.
"I haven't been doing my homework it's simple as that"she says shrugging.
"No it's not simple as that we tell you every night to do your homework so that's disobeying us"he says crossing his arms.
"Well I'm sorry that I don't understand how to do it"she says looking down.
"You -"Dakota starts
"I've got it"I say he goes to say something an I just look at him. He nods an walks to the living room.
I turn her to face me but she still has her head down.
"Look at me"I say softly but firmly
She looks up at me with a sad look. "You know when you don't understand something you come to me and I will help you"I say she nods an tries to look down again but I tilt her head back up by her chin.
"I asked you every night if you had your homework done and what did you tell me"I ask looking her in the eyes.
"That I was done"she says in almost a whisper.
"So what did you do wrong there"I ask.
"I lied"she says sadly.
"What happens when you lie to me"I ask her a bit more firmly.
"But I'm sorry"she says giving me a sad look.
"Ryleigh what happens when you lie to me"I ask again sternly
"Tyler no please I'll do my homework an turn it in"she whines.
"Ryleigh Davaya I'm going to ask you one more time, what happens when you lie to me"I ask sternly.
"I get a spanking, but I'm sorry"she says tears in her eyes it breaks my heart but she knows better than to lie.
"Go stand in the corner"I say pointing to the corner nearest to us. She slides off the stool an walks to the corner and stands there. I walk over and close the kitchen door an I hear one of them turn the tv up it must be Alex he hates hearing or giving Ry punishments. I sit down and five minutes go by an I call her over to me. She walks over with her head down an I tilt it up so she's looking at me.
"I hate doing this but you know better and I do it because I love you, school is important"I say softly then kiss her head an bend her over my knee. I put my hand on her back for comfort and the lay down the first smack I hear her whine an she shuffles around a bit then I start.
SMACK "ow Ty it hurts"she whines kicking her legs.
"You don't lie Ryleigh Davaya"I say sternly an smack her sit spots and thighs.
"Ah! Okay I won't I'm sorry!"she cries
I spank her seven more times then pull her up and hug her.
"I-I'm s-ssorry"she cries
"I know you are its forgiven but you don't ever lie again do you understand me"I say rubbing her back.
"Yes sir"she hiccups an sniffles.
I hold her until she calms down.
"I love you munchkin "I smile
"Love you to"she says an I stand up and set her on the stool.
"Ow no I wanna stand!"she squeals trying to get up.
"No your gonna sit here and do your homework"I say opening her book an getting her worksheet out from her folder. She whines and throws her head back. "No your not gonna start this you are going to sit here until your homework is done"I say sternly
She looks down an nods then starts working. I sit across from her doing my own homework when Alex an Jessica come in. Jessica goes to the fridge and gets a cup of tea an stands at the counter. Alex starts unloading the dishwasher an reloading it.
"Ty can I get up please" Ryleigh asks quietly an sadly.
"Are you finished"I ask.
She shakes her head an continues to work.
"What a baby"Jessica laughs
I glare at her as Ryleigh grips her pencil.
"Since you want to name call Jessica you can come finish the dishes"Alex says.
"What that's not fair"she says setting her cup down.
"Over here now before I get Dakota"he says sternly.
She huffs and stomps over there with one last glare towards me.

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