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Ryleigh's POV
"Ow stop" I cry kicking my legs
"When I tell you to do something you do it"Dakota says still spanking me.
"Yesss sirrrr"I cry throwing my hands back to cover my butt.
"Move them"he says smacking my thighs
I move my hands an cover my face an I cry.
"Last five"he says
He stands me up then crouches down in front of me.
"You better not give attitude anymore today" he says
I nod an wipe my face. He pulls me into a hug an I calm down an sniffle. He stands up an I walk to the other side of the truck.
"Tyler"I say my voice cracking
"C'mere baby girl"he says holding his arms out.
I run to him an he picks me up we get in the truck.
I set in Tyler's lap as Alex starts the truck an pulls out the parking lot. I'm sitting sideways on his lap with my feet on the seat. He sets the carry out box on my lap. I lay my head on his chest an just stare.
"Eat"he says opening the box.
I look at him an he gives me that look so I start to eat.
I finish an set the box on the seat then lay my head on Tyler's shoulder an try to sleep.
"Ryleigh sit in your own seat"Dakota says looking at me.
"No"I whine clutching onto Tyler's shirt.
"Didn't we just talk about you listening"Dakota says sternly turning to look at me.
I shake my head an hide my face in Tyler's neck.
"Ryleigh now"he says sternly
"No!"I scream crying
"Ryleigh I'm not telling you again" he says raising his voice.
Tyler's POV
"Ryleigh I'm not telling you again" Dakota says raising his voice
"Fuck you" she cried
He reaches back an pops her in the mouth.
She looks at me an cried harder than before. I know it didn't hurt her he didn't hit her that hard.
"Shh baby calm down" I say rubbing her back as she sobs in my neck clutching to me.
"You do not curse Ryleigh" Dakota says sternly
"I hate you!"she sobs breathing heavy
"Calm your breathing Ryleigh" I say making her look at me.
" Breathe in an out" I say slowly an breathe with her.
"That's it baby girl you got this"I say kissing her head.
I held her until she was fully calmed down an she fell asleep on me so I say her beside me buckled her up an glares at Dakota.
"Don't even Tyler"he says
"You didn't have to smack her mouth like that you made it worse"I whisper yell cause i didn't want to wake her up.
"She knows better than to curse" he says
"Well I'm just letting you know she's not gonna like you now"I say
"She don't have to like me she just has to listen"he says
"Yep an you made in 10x worse"I say looking out my window.
He didn't say anything an we drove in silence.
We've been driving for almost two hours when Ryleigh starts to wake up. She looks up at me an smiles then lays her head on my shoulder. I'm glad she's in a better mood.
"Alex can we stop I have to go to the bathroom"she asks
"Yeah sweetie we will on the next exit"he says
"Okay"she says
We started to play I spy.
"I spy with my little eyes something red!"she giggles
"Uh your backpack"I say pointing to her ladybug backpack.
"Nope"she giggles
I look around then see Alex"s hat.
"Alex's hat"I say
"Yep"she laughs an claps
We pull into a small convenient store an we all open our doors to get out. Dakota opens Ryleigh's door an holds his hand out for her to take but she slides out the truck an takes Alex's hand were he's standing beside Dakota.
He looks at me an I just give him a "I told you so look" an walk into the store.
I wait outside the door for Ryleigh while Alex an Dakota get drinks.
The door opens an she walks out.
"Did you wash your hands"I ask
"Yep"she says
"Okay come on"I say an take her hand an walk to the counter where their paying then we walk back to the truck an get in.
Since Ry took a nap she's a little hyper.
"Can you turn the radio on"she asks
Dakota leans over an turns it on.
"OMG!"she squeals then looks at me an starts singing
"Your insecure don't know what for turning heads when you walk through the door"she sings loudly I laugh cause she starts to dance in her seat.
"THATS WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFU-U-UL"she sings on the top of her lungs
The song ends an she looks at me smiling I chuckle an smile back at her.
After that she sings quietly to herself, it's dinner time an we stop an pull up to a burger place. I'm pretty sure Ryleigh is getting over everything that happened today but I know it's gonna take a lot longer now for we to like Dakota. She already likes Alex. We get out an walk in an sit down an order our drinks Dakota hands us menus an he hands her a regular menu. She looks at him
"Tyler promised you that you could order from the regular menu"he says an looks at his
She looks at me an smiles then looks at the menu.
We all order an eat in a comfortable silence. Ryleigh finished her food all but a couple fries an a couple bites of her burger.
We go to the truck an drive to a hotel check in an I lay down with Ryleigh an we fall asleep.

*i know it's short I'm sorry I'm busy but I wanted to update for you guys! Thank You for reading!*

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