𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒

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'And if a thousand others love you, they will only love you a drop. . . Compared to my ocean of love for you'.

Rahma looked at herself in her mirror, taking in the glow of her caramel skin. She appreciated the effort to make her skin look and feel better but she felt it was drawing attention which she didn't want. But what is done is done. She sighed and lined her lips with lip balm and then made her downstairs where dawud was waiting for her.

As she walked down the stairs refusing to meet his gaze which she felt hotly on her, the doorbell rang causing her to look at Dawud in question but he was looking at her with the same look, but when he found that he wouldn't get an answer from her, he stood up and walked to the door, rahma behind him.

Dawud opened the door to reveal his paternal relatives, aunts and cousins. He groaned internally. His mother had told him about what his aunt said when Rahma was brought to them and as much as he loved to be there to give her a piece of his mind, he was he wasn't as it would have brought more problems.

"I didn't know you were coming". He spoke.

"We wanted to visit the house before leaving". He smiled at his aunt and proceeded to greet them. Rahma did too and they let the ladies into the house and remained in the doorway.

"I'm sure they'll not stay long". He told her and she nodded. He brushed his fingers on her arm then left.

She followed him to the living room and greeted them again, Dawud spoke with his cousins a little then he excused himself when his phone rang. Rahma left for the kitchen to get water and drinks— the only ones they had in the fridge and some snacks Adda rash had sent.

When Rahma sat, a little kid of probably 5 years came to her and she hoisted the girl on her thighs. She started to believe the gift hafsah said she had with kids everytime she met children, they always came to her like metal drawn to magnet.

"Did you have children from your first marriage?". She looked up at the question.


"Oh, was the problem from you or did your husband not want to have children?". Another woman asked and if Rahma didn't know better, she would have thought them to be innocent questions but they were jabs.

"I honestly don't know how that concerns you, anty sadiya". They turned at Dawud's voice.

"Dawud...". The older lady started but he caught her off.

"We were about to go out before you came, if you have nothing better to say, I think it's better you leave".

"Dawud, Koran mu kake daga gidan? Mamar taka rashin kunyan da take koya muku Kenan?".

"I will not have you come to our home and insult my wife and mother". He stared at the lady and she stared back in disbelief but when she realised he was not going to laugh and call it a joke, she sighed and looked away from him in disappointment.

"Get up, let's go". She said quietly and just like that, Rahma watched them stand up and file out of the living room. One of the young ladies, probably halima's age, tugged the little girl out of her arms showing her displeasure.

When they were finally alone and Rahma was still trying to wrap her head around what just happened, Dawud told her they could leave for their grocery shopping. She followed him out of the house wordlessly and walked to the car where he held the car door open for her, she gazed at him briefly then let herself into the car that smelt like him.

He closed her door and joined her in the car. He started the car and she watched as he drove out of the vast compound and out of the gates.

"Did you have to speak to them like that?". She asked after sometime but he didn't reply her immediately.

𝐴 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑤 𝐴𝑡 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝐴𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛Where stories live. Discover now