𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒

18 2 0

'There they are coming back like hopeless people '

A loud sound had Rahma waking up from sleep startled, she realised it was her phone ringing. She felt something heavy on her stomach and looking down, she found Dawud sleeping, rather peacefully with his head on her stomach. She felt heat creep up her neck.

We had done nothing.

She reminded herself, but kissing and touching was not nothing. Her phone rang again and she turned to pick the phone from the side table. She squinted her eyes at the bright screen and swiped the call when she saw her brothers' name on the screen.

"Rahma, are you okay?".


"Is dawud home?". She looked at the man beside her then looked away.

"Yes, he came back earlier. Sorry for disturbing you".

"It's nothing. It's time for prayers". He told her and after she thanked him, he hung up.

Carefully, she held her hand out and tapped Dawud on his shoulder and called his name gently. He stirred, then lifted his head off her and looked up at her.

"It's time for prayers". She said quietly but couldn't move under his gaze.

When it looked like he had his fill of her face, he sat up completely and she carefully got out of his bed, picked her phone and made her way out. Breathing out heavily once she was outside his door.

She went into her room and went to the bathroom to relieve herself and perform ablution, she looked at herself in the mirror and somehow a smile made it's way to her face and she was unable to drop the smile until she prayed. She remained in her room to get ready for work. She finished and dressed up then left her room to go downstairs.

She went into the kitchen to start making breakfast and halfway through, she heard Dawud's door open and close then his footsteps coming downstairs then he stopped just by the door of the kitchen. She didn't turn away from what she was doing when she greeted him but he didn't reply immediately.

When she finally mustered enough courage, she turned to look at him, taking in the fact that he was dressed for work.

"Are you seriously going to work? You're sick". She stated looking at him unbelievably.

"It's nothing serious. I feel better".

"Can't you take a days' leave".

"I don't need to. Thanks for worrying, rahma". She stared at him a little longer then sighed.

"I'm almost done with breakfast, what do you want for lunch. Can I send it to your work place?". He stared at her wondering how to politely decline with a hint of no arguments in his tone.

"And don't tell me I don't have to. I know that, but you have to eat something and you're supposed to be resting".

"I'll take a break and come to the café". He gave in to her, appreciating her worry.

"Okay". She turned back to the gas cooker and finished the food then served him.

"Thank you". She dropped a bottle of water and cup before him on the island and began making her way out.

"About last night... I'm sorry for leaving you worried". So, he wasn't going to talk about what happened after?

"It's okay".

"I'm not sorry if you felt uncomfortable later though". She stared at his back unbelievably and almost laughed.

"That's okay too right?". He turned to look at her and she shrugged.

𝐴 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑤 𝐴𝑡 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝐴𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛Where stories live. Discover now