Leadership camp

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Here's where things got weird, and when I say weird I mean embarrassingly weird. I was at leadership camp with Emily, Zane, Sarah, Ethan, Jake, Niko, Jas, Eamon and Angelique. It was actually pretty good, I had a lot of fun and learnt how to become a good SLOTHS {Student Leaders Of The High School}. Things started to get weird in the free time before dinner. Zane cam over to the cabin I shared with Emily and Jas and asked for my number. Not thinking anything was wrong I gave it to him. Then he started sending me texts like "meet me at my cabin at 8". It sorta creeped me out. Then at dinner he sent me a poemed text. I pretended I didn't read it... But I did. Zane liked me.
Later that evening Jas was playing with my phone and accidentally rang Max, she hung up though. Then 10 minutes later I got a call from Max. I asked what I was ment to say to Zane, but I didn't tell him about the poem till Jas snatched my phone and told him. My life was over. The next morning in the hall Zane came over and told met hair was pretty. Then almost immediately after I got a text from Max saying "if Zane gets weird kick him on the shins and say from Tiana". I wasn't worried about him getting weirder, I was worried that the next day everyone in the year would know about it.

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