The party

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At 8:00am on Sunday we left port Macquarie. After a 4 hour drive I had 1 hour to get ready for Maxs Party. My dad and brother left for soccer I was home alone until Tiana came to pick me up. Soon after my dad and brother left a police car parked in front of my house, it sorta freaked me out!
So while I was waiting I was watching Smurfs 2 and making sure the police didn't come to my house.
When Tiana picked me up we drove to Maxs house. I was really nervous. Again I felt like the newbie, I only joined a term ago. But I tried to put that behind me and have fun. When we got there we drove to the cinemas to watch Jurassic World. The seating arrangements were Lilly, Tiana, Me and max with Cam, Kirk, Emanuel and Ellie in front. What made things even worse for my nerves was I was sitting next to Max! The movie was actually not as bad as I thought it would be but I did have to close my eyes through some scenes. Spoiler alert people do die! The funny thing was Max knew every name of the dinosaurs and I knew none, it made me feel stupid. After the movie we drove back to Maxs house, Me, Tiana, Ellis and Lilly went in the car with his dad and made our car the "party car" and put on really loud music, it was fun. Once inside we tried to play pictionary but it failed. I didnt pick whose team I was on and do you know who was My partner, Max! After the game we had pizza and lemmonade/coke/ginger beer. While everyone was playing pillow fights I again had the left out feeling. They were all laughing and holding with each other and I felt weird to join in. So I decided I would write all of it down. But then Tiana took my phone and said Max was getting annoyed that I was on it. It made me feel really really bad. I don't think I'll ever truly fit in with that group.
Now I'm nervous hat will happen when school starts...

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