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Shen Wei and Yunlan were in Luo Yu's cabin looking at the next project he wanted to work on. Just then Mingyu walks into his office disturbing their discussion.

"What are you doing here?" Yunlan questions, surprised.

"Don't think too high of yourself. I am just here for Shen Wei" Mingyu pushes Yunlan aside and walks towards Wei. "Xiao Wei, congratulations on gaining 100 million box office for your drama, 10 steps. I am big fan of yours. Can I get a photograph?"

"Thank you ...Sure.."

Just then Yunlan receives a message on his phone "Ahh....the takeout is here. I'll go grab it"

Just as Yunlan walks out of the office, Mingyu's personality changes completely. She sits on the chair and gestures Wei to have a seat as well.

"I will get straight to the point, Xiao Wei. I like Yunlan and I want to be with him"

"Are you kidding me? I don't plan to leave him and I am sure he don't want to be with you as well. I sincerely advice you to give up that thought."

Mingyu takes out a folder and drops it on the table "What if I say it's not only for myself but also for you and Yunlan?"

"What is this?" Shen Wei picks up the document and looks through it.

"Because of you, someone has dug much personal information about Yunlan and posted it all over the internet. Even Yunlan's family are getting harassed by some netizens"

"He didn't tell me that...."

"Ofcourse..he didn't. He took all the pain himself just for the fear of you being upset. While you were involved in your acting dream, Yunlan has been harassed by your so called fans. The Zhao family has also sent several lawyers letters to certain media, and even we Tan family were involved because of the press conference. Xiao Wei....you are such a selfish person."

"N-No... it's...not like that"

"Tell me....do you really have
the heart to see Yunlan and his family getting hurt because of you? I believe you know how tough both of your path is going to be further and how happy and relaxing would Yunlan's life be if you stay away from him"


"I have nothing against you, Xiao Wei. I am just trying to help you analyze the pros and cons as a friend. That's all....I'll be going now....bye~"

Just then Yunlan walks in with the takeout and watches her walk away. "huh? Why is she leaving so early? She even left your signature here. What did she say to you?"

"Haha ....nothing....she got a call, so she left. She forgot the signature here. We will return it to her later. Yunlan......i was meaning to ask you.....would you like to go on a vacation?"

"Eh? Vacation? So suddenly?"

"Don't you always complain that I am always busy with acting and I don't give you enough time?"

"Is it really okay? If you are busy, it's fine"

"I'll turn down any new projects for a while. Let's spend some time together and enjoy ourselves"

"Oohoooo.... that's great. Tell me where you want to go. I'll book the tickets right now" Yunlan excitedly asks Wei and fails to see his sad face.

"How about France? I always wanted to go here with you. We can go to Provence to see the lavender first, then we can go to beach and surf, and then the Eiffel tower, and the restored notre dame cathedral."

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