Chapter 5: Kicks

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A week had passed with the most annoying noticed ... for the team leader anyway. The fear of how much time he had left before they discovered what he's hiding from them. They could see he wasn't getting much sleep. Most of them only suspected that he was under a lot of stress. But Grimlock on the other hand ... suspected something else, but he couldn't put his finger on it. The symptoms his leader was showing, seemed ... familiar. Bumblebee, feeling Grimlock's more accurate guess, felt his time running out. Time, of keeping his pregnancy a secret. How will he tell them once they found out?

The daylight dies into shades of dark blues with dots of white, when Bumblebee felt a strong kick in his tank. "Oof!" he exhaled. He quickly grabbed a nearby self, and slowly set himself down. They're getting stronger. Bumblebee let out a small chuckle and cracked a small smile. Just like you Song. He gazed up into the glowing dots with the memory of his love.

"Bumblebee?" Denny's voice made Bumblebee snap back into reality.

"Hey Denny," Bumblebee greeted. "Is there something you need?"

"Could you go to sleep early tonight?" Denny asked.

"Umm, sure? Why?"

"You've haven't gotten any real sleep, due to all your stress," Denny explained. "And maybe going to bed early will help."

"I'll give it a shot. OW!" Another kick jabbed Bumblebee in his tank. Are they going to be kicking all night?


"Nothing," Bumblebee told him. "Just a quick headache." He got up and headed to his room. With some kicks from the unforged along the way. Flopping onto his bed on his back, letting out a heavy sigh. More kicks struck him, and he placed his arms over his tank, rolling over to his side in pain. "Why are you all being so kicky?" Bumblebee wheezed out. He sighed as his eyes fell. 

The Pregnant Bee: book 1Where stories live. Discover now