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Diana's POV

I stared at myself in horror, from head to toe

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I stared at myself in horror, from head to toe. I was a complete mess!

Mother and I were at the amusement park that recently opened, celebrating my birthday.
I was craving for cotton candy, so mom gave me money to go get some at a kiosk outside the park.
When I got there, I ordered my cotton candy and the seller was swirling the cone in the cotton candy machine. I patiently waited for the chewy deliciousness I was about to devour.
Just as he finished and handed me my cotton candy, I was splashed with mud.
A car was at full speed, and was heading toward me, so I retreated for safety. That's when the tyre screeched and mud was splashed on me! My face, my dress, my cotton candy!! They were all covered in MUD.

People were staring at me, while some laughed.
I didn't expect that at all, so I yelled at the car in anger, "Look what you've done you IDIOT!". I didn't mean to curse, it just came out of my mouth due to the way I was feeling; I felt like a mess! The car parked nearby, and the driver came out majestically. I almost had a heart attack when I saw the driver's face...

 I almost had a heart attack when I saw the driver's face

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The man I bumped into yesterday at Avi's wedding, and I stepped on his foot inorder to save myself.

He walked towards me with a smirk on his lips, then he stood in front of me and folded his arms.

A man came to him panting, "Sammy! Wha-what's wrong with y-you?! I-I thought we were entering the par-k? Why'd you drive off?"

Sammy, I guess, glared at his friend, then he faced me and smirked, "I have an unfinished business my dear friend".

"Huh?" his friend asked, clearly confused and exhausted from running after Sammy.

"Nice to meet you, again" he said in a sarcastic tone.

"It's not nice to meet you again!" I retaliated, "You RUINED my dress and my cotton candy!"

"Ooof, too bad. I also ruined your hair and your stupid face, my apologies. Psych".

"How dare you?! I know you did this intentionally, to get back at me".

"YES!" he yelled firmly; he came closer to my face and whispered, "This is just an example of what I'm capable of".

"I'm NOT afraid of you!"

"You should be, I can be very dangerous. So, apologize to me for what you did yesterday!"

"I already did! I apologized to you so many times, but you just kept yelling and demanding that I pay for the food!"

"I'm not talking about that you twerp! Apologize to me for THIS BRUISE on my foot!!" He yelled, and people gawked at us.

"What bruise are you talking about?"

"This bruise!" he took his shoe off and pointed to a tiny red mark on his left feet.

I couldn't help but laugh out, "That's the bruise?"

Even his friend joined in the laughter.

"What's so funny?" He clenched his teeth in annoyance.

I couldn't contain my laughter, "You are so funny! That's the 'big' bruise you're talking about, the reason why you're leaping?"

"So? You left this mark, so apologize!"

"I won't apologize!" I replied assertively, "You've received enough apologies from me, already". I held my hip and glared at him. Once again, I found myself admiring him dearly. His blonde hair, blue eyes, tiny lips.

"Stop staring at me you BRAT and APOLOGIZE!"

I was going to apologize, but I didn't like the fact he called me a brat because of a minute bruise on his foot. He's been calling me all sorts of names since he got here, that's just immoral and rude!
"Capital NO!" I said firmly and frowned at him in annoyance.

"So you won't apologize?"

"My answer is F.I.N.A.L!" I stomped my foot on the ground to prove that my decision stands, then I rolled my eyes at him.

"Fine then. I won't stop bothering you!"

"Oh please, there's no need to escalate this issue, just say you're looking for a way to get to me but don't know how" I teased.

"There's nothing, absolutely nothing, special about you! So just get lost. Let's go Ryan". He walked passed me and pushed me aside with his shoulders.

His friend, Ryan, mouthed the word, "S-o-r-r-y", before accompanying him. He clearly understands that Sammy has some issues and clearly needs HELP! Such a trivial matter he's making a big deal out of.

I looked at my dress once again, it was ruined. Mother got me this dress as a present, and it's priceless. That boy ruined my BIRTHDAY and my DRESS!

I won't let him go scot free after designing me with mud. I'll get even! I squeezed the messed up cotton candy in annoyance, before gathering a handful of mud in my hands.
I looked at the car Sammy used to splash me with mud, so I realized why not return the "favour".

I went close to the car and threw the mud in my hand on it. The car's alarm started shouting, and people around were alarmed.

Sammy, who was about entering the park was also alarmed, alongside with Ryan.  He stopped in his tracks and saw me standing close to the car with mud in my hands, he gnashed his teeth and growled in anger.
"Have fun washing your car!" I gave him an evil smirk before saluting him dramatically and sashaying away.

I was pleased with myself, and I knew that after designing his car with mud, he'll definitely learn not to mess with me.
I took one look behind me and noticed he was tailing me!! He ran so fast, chasing me and I started panicking. I thought he was going to ignore me, but this guy doesn't accept defeat easily! I began to run as fast as I could. I panted excessively, and looked behind on intervals to ensure he wasn't close to getting me, but I was wrong! He was getting so close to me, and my heart beated faster.
I was at the verge of fainting, but I couldn't afford to surrender before him, who knows what he'd do to me.

Word count: 1,047

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