Chapter one 〰Changes〰

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Naruto was seen walking down the street crying, wondering why everyone hated him. He just was at the playground and wanted to play with the other kids but their parents told them to stay away from the 'Demon Child'. Why do the villagers hate me so much, I don't know why and nobody will tell me; not even mom. When I asked her she said she was like her when she was younger and I will know when I'm older but I want to know now. His thoughts were interrupted by shouts of a man saying "The Demon Fox is here! Grab the rope and knives, quick!" Naruto paled and his heartbeat quickened, whenever those shouts were heard a group of twenty men, and even some women, of shinobi and civilians would chase him down and inflict as much pain as possible without killing him to his body until the Anbu came and stopped them. Although some of them would even join in.

Naruto ran and ran untill he found himself in an ally with no way out. He crouched down in a corner behind a trash-bin and covered his mouth to try and muffle the sound of his heavy breathing. He heard a seemingly drunk mad speak with a slur "Daa Deminnn teeernedd down herr!" Naruto new he was in for a world of pain as the lights from torches illuminated the dark alleyway and saw the glowing red eyes and disgusting murderous smiles of the villagers. A man with dark hair grabbed the poor boys arm and harshly yanked him into the middle of the alley. The said boy whimpered in pain and using his free hand tried to break free of his hold. The man gave a bone chilling laugh and gripped his arm tighter while using his other hand to tie him up and threw him to the other villagers. Naruto was pined to the ground by one person grabbing his legs and another his arms. A blade was placed close to his chest and made a long clean cut down to his hip. The Villagers were laughing at the whimpers and cries Naruto made while he was thinking Why. Why does the village hate me. Did I do something wrong. My body is numb so can't feel the pain anymore but I can still see them cutting me. Why won't someone help me?, mom, dad, gramps, anyone.

As Naruto's eyes drifted shut he heard a shout of someone familiar followed by the few good Anbu that don't hate him. His dad's personal ones.
Minato's pov.

When my son didn't come home at 6 like he was supposed to my wife got worried. I set his curfew at sunset so he wasn't out when the villagers went out on the so called 'Fox Hunt' after dark and yet he still wasn't home after an hour. Kushina had begged me right after fifteen minutes of him being gone to send out my personal Anbu but I said that he needed to learn his lesson and I regret that decision because as soon as I called them they were only out five minutes before they came back and gave me the news. Kushina, the Third Hokage, and I, along with are Anbu were racing to the alley reported by the Search Anbu. When we turned the last corner we stopped dead in are tracks. there laying on the cold hard ground was my only son covered on his own blood and cut up from head to toe. He had the words Demon and Fox carved into his skin in multiple places along with knives and kuni stabbed into him. Kushina ran to him along with the third and held his limp body in her now covered with blood hands. She was crying and screaming out "I'm sorry! If I just could have kept that Fox locked away inside of me you would never have gone threw this pain! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I went up to her and patted her back while shedding my own tears. You could just barely make out his bloody chest rising and falling. What have I done?

Naruto's pov. (mindscape )

As i opened my eyes I noticed I was in a sewer. I thought the villagers threw me down here when they were finished beating me. I am knee deep in dirty water and I wanted out so I started making my way threw the maze of sewer passages. It feels weird but I know exactly where I want to go and at the same time I don't, like I I've been here before. I turned the corner and felt heat radiating out of a giant cage. I let myself get curios and walked up to it to see a giant orange and black... Bunny? "Huh, why is there a big bunny in a cage that's in a sewer?" I wondered out loud and to my suprise the big bunny spoke or... growled.
"I am not a bunny! I am the great Nine Tailed Fox, the strongest tailed beast in existence!!!" The bun-oops-Fox spoke in a deep voice. I sat there stunned, a Fox can talk... Can talk!!!!!! "Why are you in a sewer?" "This is your mindscape, you just have a crap life so your mind is gloomy like a sewer. You can change it if you concentrate though." He spoke in a voice laced with annoyance.
"Ummmm. Okay, then why are you inside my mind? And what's your name?"
I concentrated really hard on a field I once saw a fox playing in because I wanted the Nine tails to be happy -or at least less mad- and to my surprise it worked. I looked at him but he was just staring at me wide eyed. I tilted my head to the side in confusion and asked what I did wrong.
He responded "No..nothing, it's just that your are the second human to ask me my name in my long life. It's Kurama, my name is Kurama." "I like that name a lot. Mines Naruto!" I gave him a big smile and to my surprise he let a little smile go on his face to! "Nice name kit, and I love the tall green grass and river you made your mind into, it reminds me of my previous home. You have my thanks and promise to help you out and teach you how to fight among other things."
I tilted my head again "What other things and why?... Wait do you want to be my friend? I really like you but everyone said that they can't or their parents will get mad and my sister Mito doesn't like me and tells people rude things about me. I try to make friends but people say I'm annoying and i only have a few people that don't run away from me." By the time I finished talking I was crying but Kurama just smiled at me and spoke "I would love to be your friend kit and you will learn about the other things later. For now bump your fist to mind so that we can be great friends and I will give you my chakra so we can be connected." When I raised my fist I noticed my nails getting sharper and I felt like my teeth were too. I felt power and as soon as I touched his fist with mine I felt amazing energy and also his emotions... it was.... sadness and loneliness, it felt like that was all going away though and becoming happy and light. When I opened my eyes Kurama opened his but he then widened them I didn't know why untill he spoke "My predictions were right. I knew someone like him would be perfect for the next one and apparently you did too,"
I turned around feeling a presence and there was a tall and very old man with a long white beard in front of me. He had a white long coat going to his knees and 6 black orbs floating around his head. he spoke in an even deeper voice then Kurama "Yes, indeed I did... son" I looked between them both and wondered how they were related because they're not even the same species and Kurama's dad must have noticed because the next thing he did was tell me with a soft and gentle voice that he was the sage of six paths... THE SAGE OF SIX PATHS!!!!! I went wide eyed my dad told me about him. The God of shinobi and creator of this world! "But he died a long time ago or something. How could you be him?" he chuckled amused for some reason and spoke "Do you really think the God of shinobi would simply die of old age?" "I guess they does make sense but then why are you not with Kurama or doing Godish stuff?"
He laughed again and then told me about the other 8 jinchuuriki along with the tailed beasts and he was to old to hold them all and this guy named Madura Uchiha and the first Hokage and on and on about the creation of the world. Then he finished with "Now do you see, I am here on business." but that doesn't make sense what business does he have here........ Unless he was taking Kurama away!!! "NO YOU CAN TAKE HIM!! HES ME BEST AND FIRST FRIEND!!!" They looked at me puzzled while I was starting to tear up again, I don't want this uncle sage to take Kurama away! Then they smiled and uncle sage spoke "No I won't take him. I meant I was making you the new sage of six paths."
I didn't know it was possible but my eyes when even wider as the new information soaked in. He walked toward me and touched his head to mine. I felt great power and then all these different images flashed threw my mind. it took me a minute to realize I just saw his memory's and gained his knowledge, this was going to be hard to explain tomorrow. When he was done I hugged him and said "Thanks uncle sage." he laughed at the name and said your welcome but soon after that he had to go and told me that I need to keep this a secret except from the people I trust the most and to be carful. He also told Kurama he loved him and to watch over me. In return Kurama just smiled and turned to me. " You need to wake up now kit. don't tell anyone about this and if they ask about your new appearance just tell them you were beat to much and felt something healing you more that usual, okay? Oh and to turn off your new eyes just focus on turning them off and on when needed." "Okay thanks Kurama. Bye." I woke up after that and noticed nobody was there witch didn't suprise me because my sister probably made my parents stay with her and gramps has to sleep because he's old, hahaha. There are probably some anbu outside. I went to the bathroom and as Kurama thought what surprised me the most was my new look. 

When I looked in the mirror at the hospital I noticed I got taller and my baby fat was gone, but that was only the beginning. my hair that was always just yellow had red/orange tips and was a little longer. My eyes were purple with six black rings leading out from my pupil, remembering what Kurama told me I quickly concentrated on having my normal eyes and the rings retreated back into my pupil and the purple changes back into blue. I had sharper fangs and the lines on my cheeks darkened and thickened. My nails grew and sharpened and my body gained muscles. I look like a hot teenager already and I'm only 7!

(To be Continued)

*ON HOLD* Tails Together(A Naruto Neglect fic.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя