〰Mito's Short〰

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I just heard that my younger brother is in the hospital. I know he has the demon fox inside him and I'm glad it wasn't me holding it. I heard he gets beaten by the villagers and sometimes I hate to admit it but I wish he just left my family already. He always get sympathy from my mom and dad and I hate it. It may be selfish but I don't care. He he used to smile all the time all carefree until he turned gloomy because the 'fox hunts' started. I'm glad he isn't all carefree because while he is happy go lucky I'm stuck making hand signs for the chakra chain jutsu. the village loves me and so do my parents but then they remember my brother is a demon. they love me for learning to control him and I hate it because it's too hard. I would never tell my parents this because they would get mad and ground me but it's unfair! the only person who doesn't notice me is Sauske Uchiha and I think it's because I have have Naruto as a brother. I want him to leave so Sauske will love me back. We start ninja academy soon and I will be so happy if Sauske is in my class but if Naruto is I will cry and cry until I can, like always, sucker my parents into changing his class. I also hate him because on our birthday the nine tails celebration happens and our parents thank him getting the nine tails sealed inside him and having to put up with it, well they just say thank you but he doesn't know about the nine tails so he just tilts his head and looks confused. Even if the village thanks me for my hard work it's not enough because they don't give me anything. then I just get a shared birthday.... it sucks. That's why when my parents told me he was in the hospital I cried and told them I thought the villagers might try to hurt me next, tho I knew they wouldn't, and they agreed to stay with me at home after I gave them my famous 'puppy dog eyes' it was like taking candy from a baby. Hehehe

(To be Continued)

*ON HOLD* Tails Together(A Naruto Neglect fic.)Where stories live. Discover now