Chapter 7 〰Hidden Waterfall〰

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Naruto pov.

When Kurama and I left the wave country we should have brought a map... We had been walking around for 3 days and we're now out of food. Just for the record we were not lost! We just took a detour on the way to the sand village but all the trees look the same!! 'Kit if we don't get out of this damn forest soon I'm gonna burn it down with my chakra.' Great now kurama is going crazy 'You can't do that or you will make everything that lives hear homeless.' I sweatdropped, for an old fox he is really stupid. ' IM NOT STUPID YOU LITTLE BRAT!' 'Now he's reading my mind!?!?' 'Our minds our connected, now who's the stupid one!' 'Ohhh yeah. I forgot. Let's just look for something to eat.'
I had gotten thirsty so I asked kurama to see if he could hear any sounds of running water, luckily he heard some and when we got there it was beautiful! The waterfall was a deep blue and flowed into a small lake, the trees had left space for some bright green grass to surround it and I don't know if it was just the lack of food making me crazy or what but I swear there was a picnic basket sitting on a small rock in the middle of the lake. I decided that I would take my chances and started to walk across the lake to the middle, it didn't take long because it was small. I picked the basket up and say on the rock there was to sandwiches and I decided that it wouldn't be a big deal if I just took one of them so I began to eat. Luckily it was peanut butter and jelly because it's my favorite, though I'm sure I would of eaten it either way. I took notice of the bottom of the lake which was easily visible because of the clearness and noticed a small entrance. Only the top was noticeable because the waterfall cover the rest of it, maybe the entrance is acidly through the waterfall?
Right about the time I was finishing the sandwich a girl appeared. She had short real hair with red clips in it and a red, grey, and white outfit. The most surprising part of this all was that she had light realist green, almost like a dragonfly, wings coming from her back and she was engaged in a conversation with nobody I could see. "... I told you no one was here, stop getting my hopes up..." Her conversation drifted off as she saw me and a look of surprise grew on her face. I did the only thing I could think of at the time, I smiled and waved. She then started pacing back and forth mumbling. All I could pick up was something about friends, a stranger a sandwiches. When she get her thoughts in order she looked at me and said, or more like screamed enthusiastically " Hey I'm Fuu, do you want to be friends! And why did you eat my lunch!." So it was her sandwich. " Um hi I'm Naruto, I'm sorry I ate your lunch but I was lost and hungry... I would love to be friends if that's okay with you." 'Very smooth kit, hahaha!' 'Oh shut up you stupid fox' 'Yeah you shouldn't be so mean kurama!' A high pick voice spoke. Me an kurama went quiet. "Uhhhhh, sorry that was chomie. He my tailed beast, the seventh." Fuu said quietly. " Oh your a jinchuriki too! I'm the nine tails, Kurama's." "I see then were the same!" 'I'm Lucky Seven Chomie!' "I see. Nice to meet you." I didn't really know what else to say but While Kurama and Chomie were talking Fuu grabbed my hand and took my hand.
She started running to the the waterfall and just when I though we were going to get wet while passing through the waterfall seem to open up. It was the entrance I had noticed before. We went in and were greeted with a small village. The houses seemed old but were kept well and in the center of the village was a big tree. It was crazy to thing that was all inside a waterfall. She took me to what I thought was the biggest house located that the base of the tree.
When we got there she turned to me while letting go of my hand. " This is my village, it's called the Village Hidden In the Waterfalls! I've got to introduce you to everyone!" After that she dragged me around the whole village, I couldn't even try to remember everyone that I met. The village leader was skittle weary with me at first but surprisingly he trusted me only after I told him he was a jinchuriki. The treatment of jinchuriki was totally different that any other village I've been at! I had explained to Fuu about what I was doing and my journey so far, she had decided that she would try and talk to all the jinchuriki and be friends with them because she had a goal to make at least one hundred friends. The village chief told her that she couldn't come with me until she finished her ninja training because she was too inexperienced. We understood but were a little sad.

They had let me stay in the village for how ever long as I needed as long as I promised to keep the location a secret. I had been there for three weeks helping Fuu with her training but I knew it was time to leave. Apparently Kurama did too because he spoke one morning ' Look kit I know that you love it here because everyone is excepting you but we need to continue our journey. The other jinchuriki need you too.' 'I know Kura I will leave today, if I stay any longer I might never be able to leave again because it's so great. I want to meet more people though.' We were both quiet after that. I could tell he was sad to leave Chomie too.
When we lacy it was already pretty late because nobody wanted us to leave. It made me feel good to be wanted for once but we had to go anyway. That time Fuu having remembered the time we first met gave me a map. I hadn't wanted to scare her so I had only told the chief about the Aktsuki and he promised to tell her when the time is right. I left it up to him because he had know her for longer than me. Kurama and I had ended up walking for only a little while because we climbed a tree and when to sleep on a big branch. I wasn't hungry because I was to sad to eat, thinking back to the friends Ive made I quietly vowed, "I will make sure that no jinchuriki is ever going to be alone again!"  Little did I know that it was going to be a lot harder that I thought.

I'm really really really sorry I haven't updated for a long time! I've been really busy and have been focusing more on getting ready for collage. I will be better about when I update from now on. I had asked about relationships but because there was so many responses I'm still deciding! Thankyou for all your support and feedback. This is my first story so if you don't understand something I'm sorry🙏!

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