Chapter 5 〰Temple〰

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Narrative pov

As he walked and the villagers avoided him like some kind of disease, he stumbled upon a temple. The people there looked relaxed and like they were relived, different from any other person he had seen in this village so far. It seemed odd to him so he decided to pass it and investigate first. With this simple question the quiet went up in flames. "What is that temple called and why is everyone so quiet here?" He asked. Immediately he was shushed and told to avoid at all cost. He was pulled out of the crowed by someone To a nearby ally. As he looked down a child looked up at him with a sad look and said " Utakata is being purified there so he won't be a demon! The temples master said we all need to be quiet because the ritual requires it!" Naruto immediately had his thoughts go wild until he was able to ask what he felt was the most important " Why do people call him a demon and what is this ritual?" She responded " I don't know but people called him a six tails! Mommy said I can go out and play once it's gone so I can't wait! The ritual is to take it out and kill it!" With that Naruto took of running with yelling a "thanks your a real life saver... Literally." With a help of a Jutus he flashed down and was shocked at the scene. A teenage boy lay laying on a table crying and screaming strapped down while men were surrounding him and praying. There was one bigger looking man that he assumed was the master of the temple attempting to take out the seal that was inside the boys stomach and then burn it. He immediately rushed over and knocked out the lesser priests and made the master eyes widen as he began screaming at him that he was gonna kill boy if he continued and to stop completely. " DONT TOUCH HIM!!!!! He will die if you keep this up you idiot!! The only demon here is you guys and your stupid views!!" As Naruto hot into a ready to fight stance he was surprised by as The priest immediately let the tag go and pulled his and out apologizing "I'm so sorry Utakata, I had no idea I just wanted to free you from this burden you have to carry!" He cried and cried while Naruto untied the boy now known as Utakata because he noticed the priest was shaking with not only sadness but fear at the same time. Utakata was beyond scared at the thought of what his supposedly family just did to him was hanging onto Naruto for dear life while shedding his own tears. Naruto was patting Utakata in a calming way and attempting to solve the supposed miscommunication he asked the priest " Where did you get the idea that burning the tag would kill the six tails and that Utakata wouldn't die?" "A group called the Akatsuki talked to me and said that to bring peace they wanted to get rid of demons and even gave me this jar to put the burnt paper in after it was done." By the end of the sentence he had started shedding new tears "I was a fool, almost even killed my subordinate." Naruto to the jar and inspected it, there was patterns on it and with closer inspection he noticed it was an extremely complex seal for sealing tailed beasts. He decided to call it the 'reaperbeast seal' because it seemed like the reaper death seal only specifically for tailed beasts. He looked to Utakata "This Akatsuki was only trying to gain your power and use it for their own selfish reasons. Your not a demon and neither is the six tails. If your one then I am too only worse because I'm the nine tails. " he gave a look of relief then shock that melted into a smile " thank you... Um what was your name?" "It's Naruto and I'm only telling the truth." He smiled and hugged him. Utakata was surprisingly easy going.

They decided to leave the temple and find other tailed beast together until Utakata found a place he truly belonged and the priest was happy for him but was still sad he was leaving. "I hope that the tailed beasts aren't being targeted in order because 1-5 would be in more danger." Naruto speculated "don't worry brat I can still sense their life forces strongly. If anything happens to the beasts jinchuriki I would sense that my brothers and sister would send out a type of distress signal. How do you think I found out that the six tails was in the basement of that goddamn temple. Don't underestimate the great nine tail!" Kurama finished with his signature smirk. "That's my older brother, always strong!" "Who are these voices" Utakata said surprised. Naruto guessed it was the first time he had talked to the six tails. He chuckled "The first one was the nine tails, Kurama and the second was the six tails, you should ask him what his name is and get to know each other. They like when people who want to know their names so it's a good conversation starter. He is probably lonely you. Just go into your mind scape." They smiled at each other and Utakata had a faraway look so he figured he really was talking to him. He was happy they would be close.
They continued on their journey, the two... No four of them.

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