16. Restaurant

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At a restaurant

Bakugou greeted his friends before sitting down. Bailey waved hello.

"So this is the famous Bailey."said Kaminari.

"You guys are matching!"mina points out with a smile. Bakugou was black tshirt and ripped jeans. Bailey was black tshirt with a jean skirt.

"Because she didn't want to change."said bakugou. He glared at Bailey. Bailey glared back with a slightly attitude.

"Are you sure you two not related?"joked kaminari.

"Anyways what's new?"asked bakugou. Kaminari started talking about new food place. The waiter came to take their orders.

"What would you like order?"she asked to bakugou. She smiled brightly.

"Spicy miso ramen and regular miso ramen."said bakugou.

"You so adorable."said the waitress to Bailey. Bailey scooted closer to bakugou. "I see where she gets her good looks from."she adds. Then she left the table.

"Are kids chick magnets?"asked Kaminari.

"Some girls do like guys who seem caring."Mina points.

"I am Caring right?"asked Kirishima. Mina nodded as she patted her boyfriend back.

"Kats, let me borrow Bailey for few hours?"asked Kaminari.

"Definitely not!"said bakugou. Bailey was coloring the kid menu. Mina started talking about how she wanted to redecorate her apartment.

"Lavender would be a good color."said Kaminari.

"I am using sugar plum."said Mina

"That's not a color."Kirishima points out.

"It's shade of purple!"said Mina. They started arguing. Bailey accidentally bumped one of the crayons. It rolled onto the ground. Bailey went to the floor to grab it. She hit her head on the table as she climbed from under it. She rubbed her head. Bakugou looked at her head for any injury.

"You fine."he said. Bailey pouted as she continued rubbing top of her head. Bakugou kissed the top of head.

"Better?"asked bakugou. Bailey nodded. She felt a lot more better. She went back to coloring. Bakugou noticed his friends were staring at him.

"Stop staring, extras."said bakugou.

"I should had took a photos! That's was so cute."said Mina. She frown slightly.

"I got the photo."said Kaminari.

"Send it to me!"said Mina. Kaminari nodded. He airdropped the photo.

"Did you send it yet?"she asked.

"I airdropped."said Kaminari. Mina looked confused. They heard a squeal of excitement across the restaurant.

"I didn't get it."said Mina. Suddenly multiple phones in the restaurant started chiming with a notification.

"You idiot. You sent to a different phone." Said bakugou. He glared at him as resist the need to punch him. Bakugou spend a lot of keeping Bailey face out of the media. Now his idiotic friend just gave the photo to general public.

"Maybe they won't open it?"suggested Kaminari. All of their phone started chiming. Bakugou check his phone. It was notifications from different social media tagging in a photo.

"They open it and share it."said Kirishima with disappointment. Kaminari looked apologetic while bakugou looked at him with murder. Then their food arrived. The table became quiet as they ate.

Bailey took one bite of her food when she noticed bakugou food looks more interesting. When they are home, they eat same meal. Bailey was confused why his food looks different. She attempted to struck her training chopsticks into his bowl. Bakugou stopped her by moving her chopsticks.

"No."he said bluntly. Bailey pouted.

"Bailey, you can try some of mine."said Mina with a smile. Bailey shook her head. She looked at bakugou with pout.

"No."he said.

"Bakubro, just give her little. Sharing is caring."said Kirishima. Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"She only wants it cuz I have it."said bakugou. Bailey always wants a bite of whatever bakugou is eating. Sometimes it's cute but other times is annoying.

Bailey pouted as she fold her arms. She glared at the table. Bakugou felt bad. He placed a chopstick full of noodles in front of her face.

"Here."he said. Bailey took a big bite. She barely finished chewing before quickly spitting it out. Bakugou grabbed a napkin to clean the mess while Bailey was trying fan her tongue with her hands.

"Not a spice fan I see."said Kaminari with grimace at Bailey. Bakugou isn't surprised. Bailey had a similar reaction to spicy snacks before. He knew there was low chance of liking spicy noodles but he also knew Bailey was going to be upset the rest of night if she didn't try it.

"Eat your own food."said bakugou. Bailey nodded.

"Oh just I remember! Did anyone of you guys sign up to lecture for Aizawa class this semester?"asked Kirishima. Aizawa always recommends former students to give lecture on experience of being pro hero. Bakugou never signs up for though.

"I did. I am doing one next week."said Mina.

"I heard Izuku is giving his lecture and an activity this week. He is tough act to speak after."said Kaminari from experience. Kaminari gave lecture after Izuku last year. The students wasn't interested at all.

"Bailey, you want dessert?there chocolate cake."said Mina. Bailey looked excited. He looked at bakugou with begging eyes.

"Eat your food first."said bakugou.

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